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Doolittle unfolded the Sentinel looked it slowly through then raised his eyes to George. His face seemed somewhat puzzled, but otherwise it was overspread with that sympathetic concern which, as much as his hearse and his folding-chairs, was a part of his professional equipment. "Why, George. I don't just get what you're driving at."

Colonel Carter unfolded the half-sheet of foreign notepaper and read: Dear Colonel Carter: Your letter just received in which you say that you have blown up the magazine at Doonha and are marching to Hanadra with a view to the rescue of Mrs. Bellairs.

The shirts were whitened shams, as they lay, no more than so many "dickeys," in a row, for when unfolded it was found that they had lost their tails, long since the prey of cockroaches or bedding for the young of mice; collars, when severed from their fray, were sadly diminished in height, and the overhauling of the boot department revealed the fact that there was nothing that would bear a more critical eye than that of "The Community."

"The ornament was prettily wrought and of some value, and every girl is fond of ornaments." "Your Corinthian friends are, at any rate. But look what the wrapper contains." "Do you open it," said the Corinthian. Publius first untied a thread, then unfolded a small piece of white linen, and came at last to an object wrapped in a bit of flimsy, cheap papyrus.

Their conversation then turned upon the Byzantine Empire and its history. The Count unfolded to Gilbert the plan of his work, and the kind of researches he expected from him. This conversation was prolonged for several hours. A fortnight later, Gilbert wrote to his friends a letter conceived thus: "Madame: I have found here neither fetes, cavalcades, gala-days nor Muscovite beauties.

Carnegie was rather bothered than helped by their counsels, but she did not discourage them, because of the advantage to Bessie of having their countenance and example. Bessie, sitting apart at the farther side of the round table, untied the string and unfolded the silver paper. Then there was a blush, a smile, a cry of pleasure. At what?

Could the voice of solace sound from such a quarter? Sybil unfolded a journal which she had brought; not now to be read for the first time; but now for the first time to be read alone, undisturbed, in a scene of softness and serenity.

The heart-to-heart communions, which she and Eliza found opportunities to hold, were a constant source of pleasure to Miss Wingate, and the child's quaint little personality unfolded itself delightedly in the sunshine of appreciation from this lady of her adoration. "Yes'm, I believe I do. Mis' Pratt and Mr. Hoover started it, and last night Mr.

But he was not even yet ready to instruct her. So he unfolded the letter and read it again, and she poured out for herself a cup of tea. "It's a very serious matter," said he. "Yes, it is serious; I could not but think such a letter from my mother to be serious.

At length an overseer left the prison, and, on leaving, unfolded to me the whole matter, that they were set by the warden to watch my actions, note with whom I conversed, hear what was said, put it down, and report to him. He said, "I was set evenings to watch you from the guard-room, through the spy-hole, but never found anything to report."