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Updated: August 9, 2024

And then, his thoughts reverting suddenly to his proposed visit to Ayrdale Mansions, he asked himself what answer he could give if he were asked to explain Ulick's presence at Berkeley Square proofs of his approval of Ulick's courtship; his motives would be misunderstood. Never again would his love of her be believed in.

She kissed Sophy, and could have shaken off Ulick's hand, but he only waited to hold up Hyder Ali as the real finder, before he ran off to desire the school-bell to be rung the signal for announcing a discovery. It was well that Maurice was too much stunned and fatigued to be sensible what a commotion he had excited, or he might have thought it good fun.

Ulick's ideas were quite new to her; they appealed to her imagination, and she thought she could listen for ever, and was disappointed when he reminded her that she must practise the Bach sonata for the evening's concert. It did not, however, detain them long, for she found to her great pleasure that she had not lost nearly as much of her playing as she thought.

To work his way through the University and take Holy Orders had been Ulick's ambition; he would gladly have endured privation for such an object, and it did seem hard that such aspirations should be so absolutely frustrated, and himself forced into the stream of uncongenial, unintellectual toil, in so obscure and uninviting a sphere.

She had found one brother to lose the other; but the relief of Maurice's safety had so softened the blow, that her tears gushed forth freely. The sense of Ulick's presence restrained her, but raising her head, she missed him, and felt lonely, desolate, deserted, almost fainting, and in a strange place.

Groups of people, of all ranks, gathered stopped dispersed, talking of Sir Ulick O'Shane's bankruptcy their hopes their fears their losses their ruin their despair their rage. Some said it was all owing to Sir Ulick's shameful extravagance: "His house in Dublin, fit for a duke! Castle Hermitage full of company to the last week balls dinners the most expensive luxuries scandalous!"

Others accused Sir Ulick's absurd speculations. Many pronounced the bankruptcy to be fraudulent, and asserted that an estate had been made over to Marcus, who would live in affluence on the ruin of the creditors. At Sir Ulick's house in town every window-shutter was closed.

"But, dear master," said Moriarty, interrupting, "it's a folly to talk I'll not tell you a word more of myself till you hear the news I have for you. The worst news I have to tell you is, there is great fear of the breaking of Sir Ulick's bank!" "The breaking of Sir Ulick's bank? I heard from him the day before yesterday."

Ulick might call, but she did not think he would. She thought of a visit to her father, but something held her back, and Dulwich was a long way. After breakfast she went to the piano and sang some of Ulick's music; stopping suddenly in the middle of a bar, she thought she would send him a note asking him to come to lunch. But what should she do till two o'clock? it was now only eleven.

Harry, who hated her, that is, as much as he could hate any body, railed at her vehemently, saying more against her than he thought, and concluded by joining in Sir Ulick's wish for her departure from Castle Hermitage, but not with any view to his own return thither: on that point he was quite resolute and steady. He would never, he said, be the cause of mischief.

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