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But to think that Esther has not read a word of all he has written! David Lockwin hisses the name of Dr. Tarpion. Many is the time they have tented together. But how did the doctor know? He had only a type-written anonymous communication. Nevertheless this lover curses the administrator as the cause of the fiasco. "But for him my path would be easy."

Sometimes, as in this case, it was merely a nominal inquiry. "Yes No. Let me see it." He took the type-written matter just as it came from the telegraph editor and ran over it carefully. Then he laid the sheets down on his desk and did some very hard thinking. "We won't run this today," he said finally. The managing editor was standing in the doorway between the two rooms.

Detective Barnes took up the little bronze box and examined it carefully, experimenting, as they all had done, to find a way of opening it and, of course, unsuccessfully. "There's one thing that puzzles me, though," remarked Ted, "about that queer type-written note. How and why and by whom was it left originally?"

There was a long type-written programme of the ceremony to be gone through. We paraded on the company parade ground at 8 a.m. and the Colonel arrived on the Battalion parade ground at 9 a.m. He rode round the Battalion. When he reached my platoon he called me up to him and asked me whether I had a roll of my platoon. I replied that I had.

One of Cully's duties was to go for the mail. When Pop broke the seal in Tom's presence, one of Pop's duties was to open what Cully brought, out dropped a type-written sheet notifying Mr. Thomas Grogan that sealed proposals would be received up to March 1st for "unloading, hauling, and delivering to the bins of the Eagle Brewery" so many tons of coal and malt, together with such supplies, etc.

He pulled a slip from a cabinet fitted with a card-case index, noted the number, replaced the card, opened another door and drew out a manuscript notebook of some three hundred pages of type-written matter. Each page was written without spacing and contained as many words as the average page of a printed novel. He handed the volume to Stuart, closed the safe, and resumed his seat.

Patience shall be his motto. He will communicate with Esther through a spiritual medium. He will better yet write to her anonymously. Every day a type-written missive shall be sent to her. He will have her! It is all possible! "It is all easy!" David Lockwin says, and goes resolutely at work to save the remnants of his fortune. For a year he turns the inertia of his love into his daily business.

"Now I remember," said Miss Oliphant, laughing. "I got an extraordinary type-written production. I regarded it as a hoax and consigned it to the wastepaper basket." "But it wasn't a hoax; it was true. Come away, Miss Oliphant, do. Polly has got some lovely things." "I don't think I even know who Polly is," said Maggie. "She surely is not an inmate of Heath Hall?" "No, no of Katharine Hall.

I have some information which, if sent to the local Liberal paper, would seriously tell against you in the public mind. It is here." He took it out of his breast pocket and handed it to Urquhart a type-written sheet of paper. He must certainly have been to a provincial theatre lately; he had hit its manners and methods to a nicety, the silly ass.

Subsequently he was good enough to read over a type-written copy, so that its substantial correctness is undeniable. He states that at the moment of the explosion he distinctly thought he was killed. He felt lifted off his feet and driven forcibly backward.