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Updated: August 10, 2024

Unless Twenty's late we " "I am trying to stop her from up here," interrupted Alex, relighting the lantern. "Up there? What do you mean?" exclaimed the foreman. "Signalling father at the station, with the telegraph code," said Alex as he replaced the lantern on the semaphore arm. "Come on up." "Al," said the incredulous foreman as he reached the platform, "can you really do it?"

You're for the darkies, Beauchamp. So am I, when I don't see a blonde; just as a fellow admires a girl when there's no married woman or widow in sight. And, I say, it can't be true you've gone in for that crazy Radicalism? There's nothing to be gained by it, you know; the women hate it! A married blonde of five-and- twenty's the Venus of them all. Mind you, I don't forget that Mrs.

Westbrook do you really think so? the idea! one eighty and twenty's a dollar thank you ever so much, but I don't ever go automobile riding with gentlemen your aunt? well, that's different perhaps . . . Please don't get fresh your check was fifteen cents, I believe kindly step aside and let . . . Hello, Ben coming around Thursday evening? there's a gentleman going to send around a box of chocolates, and . . . forty and sixty is a dollar, and one is two . . ."

"There ain't no more than twenty as knows about it," said the other. "Twenty's twenty," said the first. "After all these years," said the one-eyed man with the spear. "After all these years. We might go back just once." "O' course we might," said the other.

Count 'em? That's soon done. Twenty and thirty's fifty, and twenty's seventy, and fifty's one twenty, and forty's one sixty. Take 'em for expenses? That I'll do, and render an account of course. Don't spare money? No I won't." The velocity and certainty of Mr. Bucket's interpretation on all these heads is little short of miraculous. Mrs.

We waved good-bye to each other till the turnings of the road made parting final, and then, sitting down by the roadside, I opened the letter. It proved to be not a letter, but a poem, which he had evidently written after I had left him for bed. It was entitled, with twenty's love for a tag of Latin, Ad Puellam Auream, and it ran thus:

Forty's silhouette, except for that cruel and irrefutable place where the throat will wattle, was almost interchangeable with eighteen's. Indeed, Bon Ton grandmothers with backs and French heels that were twenty years younger than their throats and bunions, vied with twenty's profile.

Nothing but a chimney in Whitehall street. We run into Twenty's fellers, comin' back, and had a nice little row. Ever belong to the department, sir?" Marcus answered "No;" and the pyrophilist looked compassionately upon him, as upon one who had never known true happiness. "If you never run with the mersheen," observed the coroner, "you do' 'no' wot life is.

Forty's silhouette, except for that cruel and irrefutable place where the throat will wattle, was almost interchangeable with eighteen's. Indeed, Bon Ton grandmothers with backs and French heels that were twenty years younger than their throats and bunions, vied with twenty's profile.

Carefully powdered-out lines of her face seemed to emerge suddenly through the conserved creaminess of her skin. Thirty-four, in its unguarded moments, will out. Miss Becker had almost detained twenty's waistline and twenty-two's ardent thrust of face. It was only the indentures of time that had begun to tell slightly indentures that powder could not putty out.

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