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We returned to the hotel at twelve-thirty, my pocket-book loaded with tickets and letters of credit and unfamiliar white paper notes bearing the name of the Bank of England. Hephzibah was still in the rocking chair. I am sure she had not left it. We lunched in the hotel dining-room. Campbell ordered the luncheon and paid for it while Hephzibah exclaimed at his extravagance.

Allen found his way to the court house strewn with men who halted him to express their good will. Many people gathered in front of the Kicker office, eager for a glimpse of Hollis. Those who gathered there before twelve-thirty saw him seated at his desk, tall, angular, serious of face, absolutely unaffected by this thing which had caused a sensation.

He remained silent for a moment, and then raising his head, said: "As nearly an hour and three quarters as possible." This was pretty good evidence of the practically simultaneous experience of my friends in Melbourne at twelve-thirty A.M., with my own at two-fifteen A.M. in the neighbourhood of Dunedin.

The cocoateria on Eighth Street closes at one A. M. Between twelve-thirty and closing time it is full of busy eaters, mostly the night shift from the Chestnut Street newspaper offices and printing and engraving firms in the neighbourhood. Ham and eggs blossom merrily. The white-coated waiters move in swift, stern circuit. Griddle cakes bake with amazing swiftness toward the stroke of one.

Jane Hubbard has restored my faith in woman. Sam! Sam!" "What?" "I said that Jane Hubbard had restored my faith in woman." "Oh, all right." Eustace Hignett finished undressing and got into bed. With a soft smile on his face he switched off the light. There was a long silence, broken only by the distant purring of engines. At about twelve-thirty a voice came from the lower berth. "Sam!"

'The evil days draw nigh!" He shook his head with a sober air, which at once gave way to the satisfied smile habitual on his round, contented face. Briskly, he consulted a heavy gold repeater, replacing it with the quick movement of one to whom seconds are valuable. "Well, well! Twelve-thirty! Been here all morning, picking and choosing! Take luncheon with me? No? All right see you later!"

I'm giving you this straight. Only you haven't heard it all yet. You see, I've been walking past here nearly every day since I've been in town almost three weeks and at about this time, between twelve-thirty and one, getting up a luncheon appetite. And about ten days ago I got a glimpse of this face in the mirror.

"She promised to call here at twelve-thirty, an' I was to meet her. But" here Tilda had to keep a tight hold on her voice "per'aps I'm early?" "It's close upon one o'clock," said Doctor Glasson, with a glance towards the mantelshelf. "What is your aunt's name, and her business?" "She's called Brown Martha Brown Mrs.

I could see only the broad arch of her back and hear the vigorous zzzzzzz of her rubbing. She straightened up at my call. "Mrs. McNally," I said, "I'm going away for a little trip. You'd better let the washing go until this afternoon and get Andrew's dinner for him. He'll be back about twelve-thirty. It's half-past ten now. You tell him I've gone over to see Mrs. Collins at Locust Farm." Mrs.

Now " "But the luncheon was to be at twelve-thirty," I laughed. "And I haven't changed my dress yet." "You'll change it all right for something not so becoming if you don't shell out that paper." "Paper?" "Yes, paper. Look here, if you give it back to me this minute now I'll not prosecute you for for " "For the sake of my reputation?" I suggested softly. "Yes."