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It would tumble the room into darkness as the candles fell a semidarkness, for there would be a sputtering lantern still. Then he would fight for his life. And looking at the others, he saw that they were changed, indeed. They were all facing him, and their faces were alive with interest; yet they made no hostile move.

Finally, a pack of ten or twelve pursued the carriage; and though the coach-man whipped his horses with might and main, still the wolves gained on them, and stared up in their faces, licking their jaws with their red tongues. Some even were daring enough to spring up behind the carriage, but finding nothing but trunks, had to tumble down again.

He paused, and then added, with a disgusted laugh, "but she didn't tumble to it, for a d d silly reason." "What reason?" said Rylands hurriedly. "Said she LOVED you," returned Jack, kicking a brand back into the fire. Mr. Rylands's white cheeks flamed out suddenly like the brand. Seeing which, Jack turned upon him deliberately. "Mr. Joshua Rylands, I've seen many fools in my time.

A train is drawing up slowly; the danger is lest people in the front row should be pushed over the edge of the platform, but porters exert themselves with success. A rush, a tumble, curses, blows, laughter, screams of pain and we are in a carriage.

It is considered dangerous for man or beast to go too near it. Birds do not like to fly over the surface, and when sheep tumble in, they sink to the bottom at once. If the bones of the Afang still lie at the bottom, they must have sunk down very deep, for the monster had no more power to get out, or to break the river banks.

"The one where the two fight and tumble over into the sea. I wore the page that poem was on completely out of the book reading it so often, and wished and wished I had been there to see it happen." "So did I," said Hinpoha. "Let's do it," said Katherine suddenly. "We have all the props.

"Are you afraid to go home in the dark?" asked Mrs. Bushytail. "No, not exactly," answered Alice, "but you see it's so dark I might tumble into a hole, or cut my foot again on a sharp stone. I'm not exactly afraid of the dark, but " "Oh! I understand," said Mamma Bushytail. "But I hardly know what to do," she went on.

Listen to him," for another wail reached them from the disconsolate warship. "He's fixed there as though, he was glued to it. He'll have to jettison all his bunker an' a gun or two afore he gets off. They tell me Cigno means 'swan. I wonder wot's the I-talian for 'goose. Go an' tell Tagg. Tell him to tumble up quick, if on'y for the sake of ole times."

"He had enough of it, as I'll engage! Did he tell you of the pot which tosses and roars as if the biggest of Beelzebub's fires was burning beneath, and of the hog's-back over which the water pitches, as it may tumble over the Great Falls of the West!

Diana could once have tripped the scene along airily. She stared at the opening sentence, a heavy bit of moralized manufacture, fit to yoke beside that on her view of her bank-book. 'It has come to this I have no head, she cried. And is our public likely to muster the slightest taste for comic analysis that does not tumble to farce?