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'So you made these shoes? he cried at last. 'To be sure I did; do you doubt it? 'Not in the least, said the man. 'Ah! ah! said I, 'I thought I should bring you back to your original opinion. I am, then, a vagrant gypsy body, a tramper, a wandering blacksmith. 'Not a blacksmith, whatever else you may be, said the postilion, laughing. 'Then how do you account for my making those shoes?

It was not easy to satisfy the two needs in one coherent book; he hardly tried, and he certainly did not succeed. Ford described it well in his review of "The Bible in Spain": "'The Gypsies of Spain' was a Spanish olla a hotchpotch of the jockey tramper, philologist, and missionary.

Score had followed the company; but when the coach disappeared, her senses returned. "Well, madam!" said she, in her highest key, "do you mean that you have come into this here house to swindle me? Do you dare for to come with your airs here, and call yourself a nobleman's lady, and sleep in the best bed, when you're no better nor a common tramper? I'll thank you, ma'am, to get out, ma'am.

"So you made these shoes?" he cried at last. "To be sure I did; do you doubt it?" "Not in the least," said the man. "Ah! ah!" said I, "I thought I should bring you back to your original opinion. I am, then, a vagrant Gypsy body, a tramper, a wandering blacksmith." "Not a blacksmith, whatever else you may be," said the postillion laughing. "Then how do you account for my making those shoes?"

They went on a mile or two and realized in so doing that, however poor a trapper the enemy might be, he was a good tramper and knew the country. At sundown they came to their half-way shelter and put up there for the night. Once when Rolf went out to glimpse the skies before turning in, he heard a far tree creaking and wondered, for it was dead calm. Even Skookum noticed it.

Lady Armine was seated in front of the Place looking towards the park, and busied with her work; while Sir Ratcliffe, stretched on the grass, was reading to her the last poem of Scott, which they had just received from the neighbouring town. 'Ratcliffe, my dear, said Lady Armine, 'some one approaches. 'A tramper, Constance? 'No, no, my love; rise; it is a gentleman.

"Does the poor woman live in the neighbourhood? Do you know her?" asked Maltravers, turning from the contemplation of this new instance of Vargrave's selfishness of character. "No; the old body seems quite a stranger here, a tramper, or beggar, I think, sir. But it won't be a settlement if we take her in; and we can carry her to the Chequers, up the village, your honour."

‘Stop a moment,’ interposed the postilion, ‘I have one more word to say:—and when you are surrounded by your comforts, keeping your nice little barouche and pair, your coachman and livery servant, and visited by all the carriage people in the neighbourhoodto say nothing of the time when you come to the family estates on the death of the old people—I shouldn’t wonder if now and then you look back with longing and regret to the days when you lived in the damp dripping dingle, had no better equipage than a pony or donkey cart, and saw no better company than a tramper or gypsy, except once, when a poor postilion was glad to seat himself at your charcoal fire.’

And he thought: 'Will she ask me if I get my tints in Paris, like the woman Tramper told me of? The perpetual pale smile on Mrs. Decie's face seemed to invite his confidence, yet to warn him that his words would be sucked in somewhere behind those broad fine brows, and carefully sorted. Mrs.

"Oh, but you must remember that often he can only judge of the distance made by his feelings," laughed the Traveler. "It seems sixty miles, anyhow." "I don't doubt that," cried Carnegie, showing handsome teeth in a smile. "I thought there must be some way of getting around it. But if he had said thirty-five miles I'd have believed him, and thought him a mighty good tramper into the bargain."