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A wife should always study her husband's tastes what is a man's home without love? Still a husband ought not to be aggravating, and dislike pie on a Saturday!" "Holla! I say, ma, do you see that 'ere gipsy? I shall go and have my fortune told." "And I and I!" "Lor, if there ben't a tramper!" cried Mr. Hobbs, rising indignantly; "what can the parish be about?"

'Stop a moment, interposed the postilion, 'I have one more word to say: and when you are surrounded by your comforts, keeping your nice little barouche and pair, your coachman and livery servant, and visited by all the carriage people in the neighbourhood to say nothing of the time when you come to the family estates on the death of the old people I shouldn't wonder if now and then you look back with longing and regret to the days when you lived in the damp dripping dingle, had no better equipage than a pony or donkey cart, and saw no better company than a tramper or gypsy, except once, when a poor postilion was glad to seat himself at your charcoal fire.

"People are becoming vastly sharp," said Mr. Petulengro; "and I am told that all the old-fashioned good-tempered constables are going to be set aside, and a paid body of men to be established, who are not to permit a tramper or vagabond on the roads of England; and talking of roads, puts me in mind of a strange story I heard two nights ago, whilst drinking some beer at a public-house in company with my cousin Sylvester.

"Give me your protection, and as much of your friendliness as is compatible with our different stations." "But, Daunton, according to your own words, you have been a sad fellow. Before I extend to you what you require, I ought to know what you really have done. You spoke of tramping have you been a tramper a gipsy?" "I have." "Have you ever committed theft?" "Only in a small way."

'Is it much farther? asked the woman, resting herself against a bank, and looking up with the perspiration streaming from her face. 'Much farther! Yer as good as there, said the long-legged tramper, pointing out before him. 'Look there! Those are the lights of London. 'They're a good two mile off, at least, said the woman despondingly.

We must think of these things, and prepare for them..... Love to all the dear friends..... This trip has been all a lark to an old tramper like myself." Later he writes, "It is the loveliest day of fullest spring. An aspen under the window whispers to me in a chorus of all its leaves, and when I look out, every leaf turns a sunbeam at me.

I heard, occasionally, the bark of dogs; but the sound appeared to come from an immense distance. The rain still fell, and the ground beneath my feet was wet and miry; in short, it was a night in which even a tramper by profession would feel more comfortable in being housed than abroad.

A wife should always study her husband's tastes what is a man's home without love? Still a husband ought not to be aggravating, and dislike pie on a Saturday!" "Holla! I say, ma, do you see that 'ere gipsy? I shall go and have my fortune told." "And I and I!" "Lor, if there ben't a tramper!" cried Mr. Hobbs, rising indignantly; "what can the parish be about?"

And what sort of ane are ye! hae ye nae name? D'ye think his honour has naething else to do than to speak wi' ilka idle tramper that comes about the town, and him in his bed yet, honest man?" "Dear Mrs. Balchristie," replied Jeanie, in a submissive tone, "d'ye no mind me? d'ye no mind Jeanie Deans?"

"I consider one American," said he, "equal to three Canadians in point of sagacity, aptness at resources, self-dependence, and fearlessness of spirit. In fact, no one can cope with him as a stark tramper of the wilderness."