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Updated: August 27, 2024

Yes there were grips, too, for the Toyman hadn't forgotten anything that goes with a perfect sled. "All aboard! Toot, toot!" he shouted, and Jehosophat yelled, "Clear the way!" And down the hill they shot. It wasn't like any other kind of travel in the world.

But the three which hung by the fireplace were stiff and queerly shaped, each full of knobs and bumps. Soon there was a stamping of feet on the kitchen porch, and the Toyman came in from his milking and called, "Merry Christmas," too. And he and Mother and Father seemed to get more fun out of those stockings than the children themselves, or as much, which is saying a very great deal.

And his face was all painted white, with long black eyebrows and a wide, wide, red mouth. This was the way Marmaduke met Tody the Clown. They had a long talk together and he seemed to understand little boys, just like the Toyman. "It must be fine to always live in a circus," said Marmaduke. "Wish I did." "Well, Sonny, when you grow up, maybe you can," replied Tody the Clown.

It was covered with little needles that ran evenly all along the twigs, leaving plenty of room on the branches for all they were going to put on them. And it looked very soft and feathery and green against the snow. The Toyman looked up at the topmost twig, carefully measuring it with his eye. "It will just about reach the parlor ceiling," he declared, and the boys guessed so, too.

The Toyman took her by the arm, and he in turn made a grand bow. "Now, Jack, old fellow, this is an honor. Here's a lady expressin' a desire to make your acquaintance. Miss Hepzebiah Green, let me present Mr. Jack O. Lantern, otherwise known as 'Ole Man Pumpkin." Then he turned to Jack. "You don't mind my calling you so familiarly, do you?"

They were all white, but their eyes were black like pieces of coal, and they stared hard at the three little soldiers within the fort. Over their shoulders were six long round things. "Guns," said Jehosophat. They looked around for the Toyman. He did not come. Their hearts beat fast. "We're not afraid," shouted Jehosophat at the white soldiers. "Come on, you enemy!"

However, Hepzebiah couldn't follow that style, so they let her roll her marbles. But the boys were patient and tried again and again until they had learned the right way. They did finely, too though naturally not as well as the Toyman. They had lent him some of their marbles, and my! wasn't he a fine shot!

"Hurry," the Toyman went on in excitement, "there's your horse come, put your foot in the stirrup an' lick him up an' away we'll go!" And he made all the motions of mounting a horse himself, and calling, "Charge!" to the soldiers.

"We must watch that nest," said the Toyman. "Some day soon we will see the baby orioles." But there the Little-Clock-with-the-Wise-Face is scolding again. So the story must stop for tonight. When you're asleep if you listen very hard, maybe you can hear the three happy children blowing the willow whistles, and maybe the beautiful oriole will answer back. Good-night.

These three cunning fellows made their way to the fair after breakfast, well primed, gorged, and big in the belly, and did as they liked with the greenhorns and others, robbing, filching, playing, and losing, taking down the writings and signs and changing them, putting that of the toyman over the jeweller's, and that of the jeweller's outside the shoe maker's, turning the shops inside out, making the dogs fight, cutting the ropes of tethered horses, throwing cats among the crowd, crying, "Stop thief!"

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