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Tyler now, as the master of the Toreador had married them the very day that the search-party had found them, though neither Lys nor Bowen would admit that any civil or religious ceremony could have rendered more sacred the bonds with which God had united them. Neither Bowen nor the party from the Toreador had seen any sign of Bradley and his party.

The diplomatic mummer took care always to slip into his advertisements some poetic phrase on the fascination of his person and the susceptibility of his soul. A fine organ, imperturbable coolness, more temperament than intelligence, more power of emphasis than of real singing, made up the charm of this admirable, charlatan nature, in which there was something of the hairdresser and the toréador.

America jumped at the chance big business being the task to which her national genius was best suited. If her Allies could hold on long enough, she would build her fleet and appear with an army of millions that would bring the war to a rapid end. Her rôle was to be that of the toreador in the European bull-fight. But big business takes time and usually loses money at the start.

We follow Don Jose and Carmen and the toreador in ever new phases of the dramatic action and are constantly carried back to Don Jose's home village where his mother waits for him. There indeed the dramatic tension has an element of nervousness, in contrast to the Geraldine Farrar version of Carmen which allows a more unbroken development of the single action.

Edred flushed crimson, and a shudder ran through the company. "Don't turn that horrible color," whispered a white toreador who was close to him. "This is the white world. No crimson allowed." Elfrida caught Edred's hand. "Edred is quite as brave as me," she said. "He'll go. Won't you?" "Of course I will," said Edred impatiently.

The resemblance is strong. I see my error." "Manuel!" Benton rose unsteadily and stared at the toreador with a face pallid as chalk. He spoke wildly, "Quick, Manuel have you learned anything?" The Spaniard glanced inquiringly at the girl, and as Benton nodded reassurance went on in a lowered voice. Only fragments of his speech reached Cara's ears. Her own thoughts left her too apathetic to listen.

But his true education is what he makes of these things. If he hears of Theodoric with a yawn, we say the college-folk He must be imbecile. No, not imbecile! he may become a successful toreador, or snake-charmer, which things are out of our line!

When at close range, he raised his gun to fire again, but the moose rose suddenly, and with a wild bellowing sound rushed at Gregory, who knew full well that a straight stroke from those hoofs would end his moose-hunting days. He fired, but to no effect. He could not, like a toreador, jump aside, for those mighty horns would sweep too wide a space.

The toreros toreador is an unknown word, good for comic opera and persons who write novels of Spanish life and cannot be bothered to go to Spain the toreros sit in their especial cafe, the Cerveceria National, or stand in little groups talking to one another.

At Bordeaux, the Spanish detectives were on the shore gnashing their teeth, when he was a hundred yards away at sea on the Antoine. They missed him like that; and we'll miss him too. What is the good! It was not his fault that was the way of his bringing up beyond there at Cadiz, where they think more of a toreador than of John the Baptist. It was my fault. I ought to have banked the money.