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"Laws, chile, don't yer know de heart kin sing when de lips is silent? It's de heart songs dat de King tinks de most of, but when de heart gits too full, den de lips hez ter do deir share." "But suppose you were to lose your eyesight, or Pompey got sick, or " Dyce gave one of her soft laughs. "Laws, honey, I never supposes.

The kitchen was a little out-house, not unlike a gigantic dog-kennel, separated by a space of six feet or so from the principal dwelling. Opening its door, Le Rue entered with a heavy heart, supposing that he should have to eat his supper in dreary solitude, "not dat I cares moch for dat," thought he, as he raised the latch, "for I's accostomed to solitairness; but ah! ven I tinks of "

I've been a fool, and you are a knave, and that is all there is to say. Here are seventy-five cents, which I keep, and there are four dollars, which is all I have every cent. Now unlock your door and let me out." "I tinks you has more." "You can search my pockets if you wish.

"Ah! young massa, I tinks you hab de right sort ob spirit; you's born to be no land-lubber; but it my 'pinion you had better stay wid good, kind missus and de Sea-flower a while longer; you not find a better berth, I'm tinkin'."

And soon her hands were placed on the shoulder of each, still weeping for joy as she said: "God bless you! You tinks it strange to see an old black 'oman come to you like dis, but you wouldn't if you know'd what your mother has done for me an' my family. If it hadn't been for her we should all been in slavery to dis day.

I hain't felt free afore leastways I hain't felt right certain on't; but now I reckon I'se all right, fact an' truth. What you tinks on't, 'Liab?" The person addressed was sitting on a low seat under the one window which was cut into the west side of the snugly-built log cabin. The heavy wooden shutter swung back over the bench.

Then sending a loving, admiring look after the retreating form so full of symmetry and grace, "My bressed chile!" she murmured, "you's beautiful as de mornin', your ole mammy tinks, an' sweet as de finest rose in de garden; bright an' happy as de day am long, too." "De beautifullest in all de country, an' de finest," chimed in her charioteer.

"It would not make much difference whether they could or not. The wind blew a hurricane for a few moments." "Quin tinks dey must be all dead," replied the man, shaking his head. "I'm afraid they are; but it was not our fault. If I thought they were, I would not go down the lake any farther," added Dan, musing.

"I sees no villany," said one of the lookers-on, stolidly. "You shows your receipt, and he no touch you." "I neglected to take a receipt. I did not know I was dealing with a thief." "Ho, ho, ho!" laughed the landlord; "he tinks I vas honest like himself, who vas jus' out of jail!" "I won't pay you twice," said Haldane doggedly. "Carl, call de policeman, den."

"Hoist the foresail, Cyd," said the skipper. "Mossifus! Dis chile tinks de boat's gwine fas enough," answered Cyd, "but I'se gwine to do jus what you say, Massa Dandy." "Do it then." Cyd did do it then; but it was evident to the commander of the Isabel that the "crew" of his vessel was in a lamentable state of insubordination.