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"Please behave yourself, Tommy. You must do something. It is all I can do to take care of myself. Now, please, help me by helping yourself and we shall be on dry land in a few moments." Grace made several awkward attempts to swim, then gave it up. "I can't do it, Harriet. What ith the uthe of trying to thwim any more?" "Don't you understand? We were on a sand bar.

"I I wath trying to walk on the railing," explained the girl lamely. "I thtubbed my toe and fell in." "Oh, help!" moaned Margery. Tommy shot a threatening look at her. "I can thwim. Buthter ith too fat to thwim." With that parting shot, Tommy hastened inside the cabin and proceeded to change her wet clothing for dry garments. The other girls sat down to their supper, without waiting for her.

'You can thwim, Cluffe; jump in, and don't mind me, said little Puddock, sublimely. Cluffe, who was a bit of a boaster, had bragged, one evening at mess, of his swimming, which he said was famous in his school days; 'twas a lie, but Puddock believed it implicitly. 'Thank you! roared Cluffe. 'Swim, indeed! buttoned up this way and and the gout too.

Nor did she halt until she had reached the edge of the bluff, having waded through the white foam with which the ground had been covered. She stood there, faintly outlined in the night, and with both hands thrown above her head as if she were about to dive, uttered a shrill little yell. "Stop! Come back!" begged Harriet. "I'm going to take a thwim," replied Tommy.

Ith Jackthon acwoss?" "They're building a bridge. I don't know if they air across yet. I swum." "What did you thwim for? Where'th your jacket? What's your wegiment? '65th Virginia? Well, 65th Virginia, you appear to me a detherter " Steve began to whine. "Gawd, general, I ain't no deserter. If you'll jest have patience and listen, I kin explain " "Time'th lacking, thir.

"Never saw such a bunch of girls. Are they always like they have been this time?" "Always," chuckled the guardian. "Usually more so." "Well, I swum!" "Will you swim, or will you drown?" demanded Jane of Tommy. "I'll thwim, I'll thwim," answered Tommy chokingly. "I think you are horrid to treat me tho. I'll be even with you." Jane started for her.

"Will she take her group for a swim in the Atlantic?" "Yeth, Harriet and mythelf are going to try to thwim acroth thith afternoon," Grace informed them. "Swim across the Atlantic? Mercy me!" answered Mrs. Livingston laughingly. "That would indeed be an achievement." "I beg your pardon, but I didn't thay 'acroth the othean'; I meant to thwim acroth the pond down in the cove yonder.

Harriet could thwim acroth the othean if she withhed to, though," added Tommy. "You surely have a loyal champion, Miss Burrell," called one of the guardians from the far end of the table. "Still, we have not heard what you are going to do to-day. I am quite sure it will be something worth while?"

"I don't want to thwim; I want to thleep," protested Tommy. "Get a move, darlin', unless you want to be thrown in," interjected Jane, who was hurrying into her bathing suit. "Margery, don't tempt us too far, or we will throw you in, too." "I am sleepy, too," declared Harriet, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "I can't imagine what makes me feel so stupid this morning."