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Fernald's suggestion of Laurie visiting the shack seemed the most natural thing in the world, and immediately after it had been made Ted's fancy had run riot, and he had leaped beyond the first formal preliminaries to a time when he and Laurie Fernald would really know one another, even come to be genuine friends, perhaps. What sport two lads, interested in the same things, could have together!

Babbitt had a good deal of honest pride in being the neighbor of such a savant, and in Ted's intimacy with Eunice Littlefield. At sixteen Eunice was interested in no statistics save those regarding the ages and salaries of motion-picture stars, but as Babbitt definitively put it "she was her father's daughter."

The car was well filled with other passengers, many of them tourists on the way to Colorado or the Pacific coast, and they were much amused at the free-and-easy spirit with which the boys conducted themselves, and when it became generally known that they were the broncho boys, with Ted Strong at their head, they received a great deal of attention, which was not particularly to Ted's liking.

"Nobody our age who hasn't been one or felt like one some of the time except Christers and the dead," said Oliver, and they proceeded for several minutes on the profundity of that aphorism. The silence was broken by Ted's saying violently, "I will marry her! I don't give a damn what's happened." "Good egg. Of course you will." Oliver chuckled. Ted turned to him anxiously after another silence.

After a stay in the hospital John Dean and his wife take the boy West with the consent of his mother who unselfishly lets him go because opportunity, so she feels, is there. Ted's father had left home just before Ted was born. Strong interest centers around the doings of Ted and his new-found friends both at the ranch and at the academy. Adventures are many.

If we can do anything for him, we certainly should do it. The lad has had none too easy a time in this world." Yes, all went well with the plan so far as the Fernalds were concerned; but the Turners ah, there was the stumbling block! "It's no doubt a fine thing you're offering to do for my son," Ted's father replied to Mr.

Severance with Ted in one of Ted's bitter moods a discussion that had given Oliver a bad half-hour later with Louise. But things like that didn't happen people whose houses you stayed at people your sister brought home over the week-end the fathers of your own friends.

"Why, Ted's happy, and rich, and simply adored by Bob Carleton," Barbara summarized briefly, in a rather dry voice, "but Mother and Dad never will get over it, and I suppose Ted herself doesn't like the idea of that other wife she lives at The Palace, and she's got a seven-year-old girl!

By-and-by he, too, would add his quota to the evening's entertainment, but he would wait till the culminating point of Ted's story was reached, and the company was, so to speak, ripe for it. "Me an' Miss Hep. is meeterly thick now, I tell ye," summed up Ted at the conclusion of his tale. "Hoo thinks a dale o' me, if hoo doesn't think mich o' menfolk in general."

My prudence appeared to me the merest poltroonery, my remark about 'begging' the most finicking absurdity, my failure to accept Ted's offer the most reckless and offensive stupidity. Evidently I was unworthy of any better lot than I had. I should live and die an 'inmate' and a drudge. I deserved nothing else.