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She had not time to look for it, but sprang to the saddle and rode like an arrow to the birch tree. There she left her horse and her fine clothes, and said to her mother: 'I have lost my circlet at the castle; the door-post was tarred, and it stuck fast. 'And even had you lost two of them, answered her mother, 'I would give you finer ones.

When the sermon was over I sought for your cousin, but when I told who she was, the people of the place said that no doubt Mormon messengers had come while she was waiting, and forced her to depart. That night there was a disturbance in the place; some of the more hot-headed men had the leaders out, and tarred and feathered them a dastardly deed!

We are really not bound to accept it at his own valuation." "I think you will have to accept it," said France. There was a pause. The Professor wondered secretly whether France too was beginning to be tarred with the Modernist brush. No! impossible. For that the Canon was either too indolent or too busy. At last he said: "Seriously, I should like to know what you really think."

"I am not to speak to the old gentleman. He is not in her confidence. Yet she is very fond of him. How she hangs on his arm! Simplicity! Candor! We are all tarred with the same stick we women." That night Bella was a changed girl exalted and depressed by turns, and with no visible reason. Her father was pleased. Anything better than that deadly languor.

Come, don't waste a minute not a SECOND we'll have them tarred and feathered, and flung in the river!" Says I: "Cert'nly. But do you mean BEFORE you go to Mr. Lothrop's, or " "Oh," she says, "what am I THINKING about!" she says, and set right down again. "Don't mind what I said please don't you WON'T, now, WILL you?"

Now there was a boat, a little Femböring, for four men and a boy, that Elias just then had his eye upon a boat which the best boat-builder in the place had finished and tarred over that very autumn. Elias had a very good notion of what a boat should be, and it seemed to him that he had never seen a Femböring so well built below the water-line.

The headmaster nearly always invited a few of the house prefects to Sunday supper during the term. Sir Eustace Briggs happened to be there. He had withdrawn his insinuations concerning the part supposedly played by a member of the school in the matter of the tarred statue, and the headmaster had sealed the entente cordiale by asking him to supper.

And the seines that went with them were coming in wagons from the net and twine factory, tanned brown or tarred black and all ready to be hauled on to the vessels' decks or stowed in the holds below, until the fleet should be in among the mackerel to the south'ard off Hatteras or Cape May or somewhere down that way.

Me, I t'ink dot schmell was joongle, by Gott!" "Haul in all lines!" roared Barry. "Rolfe, hustle up all the spare junk and sand. Lads, keep under cover until I call you out." All around the ship the water glared with Satanic fires. The blazing oil roared and leaped hungrily at the Barang's tarred sides.

So while I does my seven years I says nothing, but I thinks, and I makes up my mind to have it out of 'em when my time comes. And I say it's fair and honest to get your back wages the best way you can. These settlers are all tarred with the same brush; they make poor coves like us work for 'em, and flog us like bullocks, and then they pretend they are honest men. I say be blowed to such honesty."