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Both were fair examples of modern society and its aims, and they sacrificed many worth-while plans and pleasures upon the altar of their fickle goddess. So it followed that the fashionable tailors, the modiste and the lingerie-maker stitched and fitted and clipped, on beautiful materials and trimmings, until everything was ready for Barbara's summer victory.

The Danish peasantry of the present day relate many wonderful things of an ancient hero whom they name Holger Danske, i.e. Danish Holger, and to whom they ascribe wonderful strength and dimensions. Holger Danske came one time to a town named Bagsvoer, in the isle of Zealand, where, being in want of a new suit of clothes, he sent for twelve tailors to make them.

"It is thought that it is impossible for the police to find, among the two or three thousand tailors in Paris, all those who use the buttons marked A. P. And if they did find them, they could not designate all their customers to whom they have furnished these buttons. It is really looking for a needle in a bundle of hay."

At last he found means to effect his escape and lay in hiding until night; then as he had on the asylum clothes, which would betray him, he went back and got in through the window of the tailors' shop, which was in an isolated building, and exchanged the clothes he had on for a suit belonging to one of the attendants.

The soldiers hooted at him, and asked him all sorts of questions. "How are you, Bummer?" asked one. "Did you pay your tailors with the money you stole?" asked another. "Your coat puckers under the arms and wrinkles in the back," said another. "He felt so big they had to hoop him to keep him from bursting," remarked one, who remembered how pompous Philip had been.

After a conscientious hesitance Cutty went through the pockets. All he found were some crumbs of tobacco and a soggy match box. They had cleaned him out evidently. There were no tailors' labels in any of the pockets; but there were signs that these had once existed. The man on the bed had probably ripped them out himself; did not care to be identified. A criminal in flight?

I should like to have heard their remarks they have a gift for remarks about those invaders of their uniformed world in Scottish caps and other kinds of caps and the different kinds of clothes which tailors make for civilians. Without any intention of eavesdropping, I did overhear one asking another whence came these strange birds.

He had the look of an outdoor man; a man who has met prosperity and walked with her, and followed her pleasant ways; a man who has learned late in life of golf and caviar and tailors, but who has adapted himself to these accessories of wealth with a minimum of friction. "It certainly is warm, for this time of year." He leaned back and regarded Rose tolerantly. "Well, and how've you been?

The oddness of this conceit, and the boldness with which it was carried out, attracted attention, and made a good deal of talk at the time. A great many tailors' bills were paid instanter that would not have been paid for months, perhaps not at all.

Boyd can mend it fit to be seen! I can't take it to the tailors now." "She darns beautifully." "Well, that's what she's here for; mender in general." "But it seems dreadful to ask her to do it in the evening, and the daylight is almost gone." Louie hated to give up whatever her mind was set upon. She hurriedly changed her frock and put on a light evening dress.