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And I thought to myself, if the Jonesvillians could see jest how she looked, and he too, it would be apt to make a excitement. How many times did I digest this great truth while on my tower! How little we know sometimes what a appearance we are a-makin' before men and angels, when we think we are a-doin' sunthin' wonderful!

The red table-cloth was slung over his arm, in toreador fashion, and the normal creak of the conveyance was accentuated by an ominous rattle of crockery. Then he circled back, motioning them to wait. "Here's sunthin' I most forgot," he said, giving Ruth a note. "I'd drive you back fer nothin', only I've got sech a load."

Wall, Josiah felt as if he'd got to have a bite of sunthin' to eat, and so we sot off at a pretty good jog for the nearest restaurant, and there we got a good lunch, and after we had done eatin', and Josiah wuz in a real good frame of mind, to all human appearance, I sez, "I'm a-goin' to see Hatye, if I don't see nothin' else." And Josiah sez, "Where is Hatye?"

Sez I, "That headin' off would have amounted to sunthin'." And agin I sez, "The rope ort to be used on his own neck, if it is on anybody's, his and Uncle Sam's." And agin Josiah Allen asked me, "If I wuz as crazy as a dumb loon and a losin' my faculties what few of 'em you ever had," sez he. And I sez, "The two wuz in partnership together, and they got the man to do the murder."

But at last, after what wuz seemingly a great effort, he began to go on as usual agin. About that time I heard sunthin' hit the wall hard on the other side of the room, and I heard a yelp. But then everything wuz still and Josiah Allen made a good prayer. And before it wuz through Miss Flamm laid her head down onto my shoulder, and busted into tears.

Ain't much good, be she?" "Hole stove in her," Ken said. "The engine is all there, but I guess it'll need a good bit of tinkering at." "Ain't wuth it," said the harbor-master. "She's old as Methusaly, anyways. Keep her she's salvage if ever there wuz. Might be able to git sunthin' fer her enjine scrap iron." "Thanks," said Ken; "I'll think it over." And he ran nearly all the way to Applegate Farm.

Sick, "send it back to Old Marm; tell her you have the misfortin to be a colonist; that if her son would like to be a constable, or a Hogreave, or a thistle-viewer, or sunthin' or another of that kind, you are her man: but she has got the wrong cow by the tail this time.

Pomper come back to me. "Jest as I told you, mom, stunted," sez he, "fairly stunted and broke down by the suddenness of the good news. I'll give her time to git used to the idee. I won't say no more at present." "No," sez I dryly, "I wouldn't if I wuz in your place, I'd go and rub some ile into my head or sweat it, or sunthin'."

But I went back to the old subject "We must give sunthin' to the cause; it will be expected of us, and it is right that we should." "But," sez Josiah, with a gloomy and fierce look, "if I can git out of Chicago with a hull shirt on my back it's all I expect to do. I hain't no money to spend on Dukes, and you'll say so when we come to pay our bills."

And I trembled when a bystander a standin' by who wuz arrangin' a beautiful bunch of 'em, a handlin' 'em as flowers ort to be handled, as if they had a soul, and could feel a rough or tender touch, this man sez to Josiah, "I see that you too love this beautiful blossom." I wuz glad the man's eyes wuz riveted onto his Bokay, for the ferocity of Josiah Allen's look wuz sunthin' fearful.