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Updated: August 12, 2024

An' we're goin' among sthrangers, to pull an' dhrag for our bit to ate; but we'll never be happy till we see them blue hills and green fields once more! Mr. Wynn could almost have endorsed the sentiment just then.

Troth I commend his valour in evadin' such a rabble o' hell-spawn! An' what from did he escape, th' sthake an' th' stretchline?" "Justice, M'sieu, his life for the chief's." "Ho-ho! From th' looks o' yer fri'nds, me lad, I'm thinkin' 'twill be justice wid her eyes shut!... But ye may turrn back an' search the forest, we have no sthrangers in our party."

Faith, he's changed his chune, an' 'tis 'Sthrangers wanst, but brothers now, with him, an' 'Hands acrost th' sea an' into some wan's pocket, an' 'Take up th' white man's burden an' hand it to th' coons, an' 'An open back dure an' a closed fr-ront dure. 'Tis th' same with all iv thim. They'se me frind Joe Choate. Where 'd Joe spind th' night?

"Why, this is the very man you wouldn't let me call a rogue, a minute or two ago!" "Ah, my lord! that was just before sthrangers; besides, it's no use calling one's own people bad names. Not that he belongs to me yet, and may-be never will. But, between you and I, he is a rogue, and his father's son every inch of him." "Well, Martin, I'll remember. I'll not abuse him when he's your brother-in-law.

What has a lone woman like me, Father Pat, to do wid sthrangers like them? jist to turn their backs on me when I ain't no furder use, and to be gitting the hights of insolence and abuse, as I did from that blagguard Barry. He'd betther keep his toe in his pump and go asy, or he'll wake to a sore morning yet, some day."

"Sir," said Phelim to the jailer, "the Square couldn't mane me at all, in regard that it was another person he gave the letter to, for to bring to you, the other person gave it to me. I can make my oath of that. Be gorra, you're playin' your thrieks upon sthrangers now, I suppose." "Why, you lying rascal," said the jailer, "have you not a few minutes ago asserted to the contrary?

Ye say, 'I'll go over to see Dooley, sometimes, but more often ye say, 'I'll go over to Dooley's. I'm a house to ye, wan iv a thousand that look like a row iv model wurrukin'men's cottages. I'm a post to hitch ye'er silences to. I'm always about th' same to ye. But to me I'm a millyon Dooleys an' all iv thim sthrangers to ME. I niver know which wan iv thim is comin' in.

"Bad luck to it for a calf!" exclaimed McGovery; and then, sidling up to the priest, "you wouldn't be setting all the boys laughing at me, Father John, and thim sthrangers, too." "Well, well, Denis, but why didn't you tell me the whole?"

Now, tell me have you anything in your possession documents, or valuables, or anything that any other person, to your knowledge, is anxious to get hold of!" "I have not, sor divil a document! As to valuables, thim an' me is the cowldest av sthrangers."

"Well, Nelly," said the prophetic Sally, boding evil in her anger for, considering how long she had been in the family, she had thought herself entitled to hear Anty's ravings; "mind, I tell you, good won't come of this. The Virgin prothect us from all harum! it niver war lucky to have sthrangers dying in the house." "But shure Miss Anty's no stranger."

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