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Updated: August 2, 2024

We were a mile from shore; a little steam-tug put out from the land; she was an object of thrilling interest; she would climb to the summit of a billow, reel drunkenly there a moment, dim and gray in the driving storm of spindrift, then make a plunge like a diver and remain out of sight until one had given her up, then up she would dart again, on a steep slant toward the sky, shedding Niagaras of water from her forecastle and this she kept up, all the way out to us.

In other places, where the wreck lies close to the land, and the lifeboats are comparatively light, services are performed with oars, but not to the Goodwin Sands, which have to be reached under sail, and from which the lifeboats have to get home by sail, often against a gale off shore, eight miles to windward with no steam-tug to help them, but by their own unaided skill, 'heart within and God o'erhead.

A steam-tug was towing our ship out toward banks of red-reflecting cloud, and a smell of sea air. 'Why, that's the East there! cried Temple. We faced about to the sun, and behold, he was actually sinking! 'Nonsense! we exclaimed in a breath. From seaward to this stupefying sunset we stood staring.

To the north it was clear and settled, while south it was humid and squally, with, often enough, as I have said, a treacherous gale. The steam-tug Alert, then out looking for ships, came to the Spray off the Lion's Rump, and in lieu of a larger ship towed her into port.

The steam-tug Tigre towed her to sea from her wonted berth at the Alfred Docks, giving her a good offing. For a while the grand scenery served to relieve the monotony. The view was certainly fine, but one has no wish to linger long to look in a calm at anything, and I was glad to note, finally, the short heaving sea, precursor of the wind which followed on the second day.

He found the merchantmen that could sail creeping on with three reefs in their mainsail; and the Dutchmen lying to and breasting it, like ducks in a pond, and with no more chance of harm. On one of these occasions he did observe a little steam-tug, going about a knot an hour, and rolling like a washing-tub. And now it is my office to relate how Mr.

The Nancy Bell was in tow of a little puffing steam-tug, and was already some miles from Bangor down the Penobscot River. The clouds of steam rising into the cold air from the surface of the warmer water were tinged with gold by the newly-risen sun.

At one o'clock this wild winter morning the time came for a final effort to float the ship; and the steam-tug Cambria that had been waiting outside the Sands now moved in, and, guided by the riding light of the Champion lugger, anchored for this purpose in the swatchway, was cautiously manoeuvred in through the narrow channel, and feeling her way with the lead at great risk came even into the broken water in which the Mandalay was lying.

It is not so quick, but it is much less expensive, and a great deal safer, than sending them by railway. It is interesting to stand on the bank of a canal and watch a row of barges moving slowly past. Sometimes a little steam-tug puffs along, pulling three or four barges after it.

When Mrs. Cortlandt assembled her party on the steam-tug chartered by her for the excursion, the army was very well represented. With the exception of the chaperons and a bronzed veteran, who was inclined to direct the conversation to his Indian campaigns in the Black Hills, the company was young, and of the age and temper in which everything seems fair in love and war, and one that gave Mr.

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