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In an hour or two, there rose a stir in the village of sentries challenging and the clatter of arms and horses; and then a troop drew up by the inn door, and Richard Shelton, splashed with mud, presented himself upon the threshold. "Save you, Sir Daniel," he said. "How! Dickie Shelton!" cried the knight; and at the mention of Dick's name the other lad looked curiously across.

But, no sooner had he spoken than a big wave rolled, splish-splash-splosh, right up the shore of the pond, which was rather sandy, and it sprayed itself over the toes of Buddy and Brighteyes the wave splashed, you understand not the sand, of course. "Whee!" cried Buddy, all excited-like. "There's a wave!"

It was the figure seemingly of a female, wrapped in a coarse blue cloak, the feet bare and the legs bare also nearly up to the knee, both terribly splashed with the slush of the road. The head was surmounted by a kind of hood, which just permitted me to see coarse red hair, a broad face, grey eyes, a snubbed nose, blubber lips and great white teeth the eyes were staring intently at me.

He tied the boat to a willow and splashed ashore. In the lower portions of the path his feet sank into patches of wet. Something which might have been and probably was a snake oozed away from the beam of his pocket torch. The clearing was much as it had been, save that the door of the chicken-run stood ajar and its feathered population was gone.

I didn't do much harm a splashed wall, spilt apples, a broken window; but I saved the cross, as the cross will always be saved. It is at Westminster by now. I rather wonder you didn't stop it with the Donkey's Whistle." "With the what?" asked Flambeau. "I'm glad you've never heard of it," said the priest, making a face. "It's a foul thing. I'm sure you're too good a man for a Whistler.

The chain froze her fingers, the cold water splashed her feet, and when she had tugged her heavy burden back to the kitchen, she held her red, chapped hands to the fire. "I reckon you'll be mighty glad to git shet o' me." The old woman sniffled, and June looked around with a start.

I took the pen and splashed down on the fly- leaf of the book my name in full a striking signature! Then without a further word that might make an anti-climax, I took my cigarettes and departed. I was so thrilled, so exalted, that it was five minutes before I remembered to be afraid." "For my fortune was becoming bizarre, you know. It was making me ridiculous even to myself.

The child brought remarkable prosperity to the house, and his foster-mother grew very fond of him. Finding that a certain water in which she was required to wash his face made it very bright, she determined to try it on her own, and splashed some of it into her eye.

The beak of the ship bearing the statue of Hygieia, carved in wood, began to move. Bartja and Sappho stood at the helm and gazed towards Naukratis, until the shores of the Nile vanished and the green waves of the Hellenic sea splashed their foam over the deck of the trireme. Our young bride and bridegroom had not travelled farther than Ephesus, when the news reached them that Amasis was dead.

He ran into the kitchen in a great hurry to wash it off, and the duck splashed some water in his face. He wanted to dry it with the towel, but the egg rolled up against him, broke, and glued up his eyes. He wanted to rest, and sat down in the chair, and then the pin pricked him.