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Round after round the game was played; and first one girl lost and then another. Two of them were standing now with the upper part of their bodies bare. One of them was wearing a kind of white lace petticoat, stained and sour-looking, wrapped about her hips; the other wore short flannel drawers, like a man's bathing-pants, coloured in a Union Jack pattern, some sailor's offering to his inamorata.

I stuck to my place in spite of pressure and crowding. The first to come ashore were all men English merchants, returning Canadians, a couple of uniformed officers, Frenchmen decked out in lace and fine clothing, and a motley sprinkling of others. They passed on, some being met and embraced by waiting friends; and next came an elderly, sour-looking dame, who regarded me with ill-favor.

I was equally indifferent to cost and convenience in my choice of a lodging "any port in a storm" was the principle on which I was prepared to act; and Rowley and I made at once for the common entrance and scaled the stair. We were admitted by a very sour-looking female in bombazine.

I have him!" he cried aloud; "not as free guest, but as ransomed captive. I have him the Earl! I have him! Go, Mallet, my friend, now seek this sour-looking Englishman; and, hark thee! fill his ear with all the tales thou canst think of as to Guy's cruelty and ire. Enforce all the difficulties that lie in my way towards the Earl's delivery.

A sour-looking fellow with a villainous grin slouched to the little cabin-hatch; and by this time the whole of the boat's crew, including the two blacks, and saving the coxswain, who held on to the chains, were aboard, Tom Fillot scanning the deck eagerly for some sign of the nefarious traffic, but none was visible. "Guessed yew was pirates for a moment, mister," said the skipper.

We spent Saturday afternoon and night in Staunton, and were quartered in a hotel kept by a sour-looking old Frenchman. We were given an abominable supper, the hash especially being a most mysterious-looking dish.

Above the road, a big spring poured a clear little stream over shining pebbles into the river; above it the bushes hung thick with autumn leaves, and above them stood yellow beeches like pillars of pale fire. On both sides of the road sat and squatted the honest voters, sour-looking, disgruntled a distinctly hostile crowd.

I'm going to invite her to ride with me all alone, just to hear her talk!" Polly chuckled. "I wish you would," she told him. "She'd go, wouldn't she?" "Of course! Why not?" "I'll warrant that sour-looking elephant in the back car wouldn't!" laughed the Colonel. "She's that kind!" "Oh! I guess you mean Miss Castlevaine. She's the biggest one there is. But she is very nice sometimes."

He had turned sharply round from where he was giving orders to some sailors who were busily lowering great bales and packages into the hold; and as Mark faced the tall thin man, whose hands were tucked deep down in the pockets of his pea-jacket, the lad thought he had never seen a more sour-looking personage in his life. "Hullo, I say!" he cried again, "whose dog's that?" "Mine, sir."

The porter at the castle gate grinned and flung a jest at him, but admitted him and those who followed in his train, without question. A few steps farther on they were halted by a tall, thin, sour-looking man in the elaborate headgear and robes of a dignitary of the household. "How now, Master Stephen!" he said sternly. "What foolery is this?" "Only a showman, Conrad," grinned the jester.