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My lord was expayshating to my lady upon the exquizit beauty of the sean, and pouring forth a host of butifle and virtuous sentaments sootable to the hour. It was dalitefle to hear him.

"Polly Daverill's my wife my lawful wife! That's more than my father could say of my mother." "I know that you are lying, but I do not care why. Do you want to see your mother?" "If sootable and convenient. No great hurry!" "She is in bed. I will get her ready for you to see her. Do not go near the dog. They say he has killed a man." "A man'll kill him if he gives occasion.

"Come round here, will you, and shove your blanked second-handed trash down our throats?" Bill paused to get words; then, bursting out in rising wrath: "There ain't no sootable words for sich conduct. By the livin' Jeminy " He suddenly swung his prisoner off his feet, lifted him bodily, and held him over his head at arm's length. "I've a notion to "

"Meanwild everythink went on very agreeable betwigst me and my defianced bride. When we came back to town I kemishnd Mr. Showery the great Hoctionear to look out for a town maushing sootable for a gent of my qualaty. "I hordered in Long Hacre, three splendid equipidges, on which my arms and my adord wife's was drawn & quartered; and I got portricks of me and her paynted by the sellabrated Mr.

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand," said Lady Holme, preserving a quiet air of pupilage. "But perhaps it's better I shouldn't. Anyhow, I am quite sure Miss Schley's mother will be worthy of her daughter." "You may bet your bottom dollar on that. She'll be what they call 'a sootable marmar. I must get my wife to shoot a card on her." "I hope you'll introduce me to Mrs. Ulford.

"But don't you see that I am going to a place where it would not be suitable for you." "What's sootable for you, Mas'r Harry, would be just as sootable for me, and I'd work like one of the niggers out there, only harder." "Niggers out where, Tom?" "Where we're going, Mas'r Harry." "How do you know there are any niggers where we are going, sir?" "Oh, there's sure to be, Mas'r Harry.

They will also be hoss racin', fancy an' trick ridin', an' shootin', fer all of which sootable prizes has be'n pervided, as well as fer the best lookin' man an' the homliest lady an' vicy versy. Any lady or gent attendin' these here contests will be gave out a ticket good fer one drink at any saloon in town. These drinks is on the directors of the bank of which I have before referred to.