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So pray do not postpone the marriage for the above cause or for any cause, if by the permission of the Church and of our Holy Father it can be lawfully completed. "Given at Romorantin, Oct. 17. As the marriage was an event of importance, and the circumstances are simple historic facts, it is strange that there should be any uncertainty regarding the details of its solemnisation.

At length the King of Spain, unwilling that the King of Portugal should marry out of his family, broke off the treaty which had been entered upon for my marriage with him. Death of the Queen of Navarre Marguerite's Marriage with Her Son, the King of Navarre, Afterwards Henri IV. of France. The Preparations for That Solemnisation Described.

The solemn act derived its very significance from this resolution, that nothing definite was to be done, we were only to be alone, and to sit still and meditate, as we had done five years before when we had each been inspired with the same thought. It was to be a silent solemnisation, all reminiscence and all future; the present was to be as a hyphen between the two.

When this solemnisation was done there came in the Green Knight, the Red Knight, and all the others that had yielded themselves to Sir Gareth, and did homage and fealty to hold their lands of him for ever, and desired to serve him at the feast.

And presently one morning came, warm with the breath of summer, sunny and beautiful, when the window was solemnly re- consecrated by Bishop Brent at ten o'clock, a consecration followed by the loud and joyous ringing of the bells, and a further sacred ceremony, the solemnisation of matrimony between John Walden and Maryllia Vancourt.

'If, therefore, the Prince de Carignan, said the King, 'be anxious to settle his daughter's marriage, by any immediate matrimonial alliance, I certainly shall not avail myself of any prior engagement, nor oppose any obstacle in the way of its solemnisation.

The recent Papal Decree, termed Ne Temere, regulating the solemnisation of marriages, has been enforced in Ireland in a manner which must seem impossible to Englishmen. This rule is binding on all Roman Catholics. It is easy to see what hardship and wrong must follow the observance of this rule in the case of mixed marriages.

Try to imitate the Pythagoreans to-day: they, as servants of a true philosophy, had to remain silent for five years possibly you may also be able to remain silent for five times fifteen minutes, as servants of your own future culture, about which you seem so concerned." We had reached our destination: the solemnisation of our rite began.

No such kindness is meant you, however. To-morrow you shall return to the fort; and, when there, you may tell your colonel, that, in exchange for a certain miniature and letters, which, in the hurry of departure, I dropped in his apartment, some ten days since, Sir Reginald Morton, the outlaw, has taken his daughter Clara to wife, but without the solemnisation of those tedious forms that bound himself in accursed union with her mother.

How Anne Boleyn received Proof of Henry's Passion for Jane Seymour. On the day after the solemnisation of the Grand Feast of the Order of the Garter, a masqued fete of great splendour and magnificence was held within the castle. The whole of the state apartments were thrown open to the distinguished guests, and universal gaiety prevailed.