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Nevertheless, without a word being spoken, and without a second's hesitation, Jim and Denny advanced on the bristling ring and the heart of termite power it enclosed. Not only was the slimmest of hopes of escape rendered impossible while the super-termite lived to direct its subjects against them but also they had a reckoning to collect from the thing if they could....

They would sell the team and wagon there and get money enough to put an advertisement in the Billboard, which is like a Bible to them showmen, that they had a balloon to sell and was at liberty. One of them was the slimmest, lightest-footed, quickest feller you ever seen, with a big nose and dark complected, and his name was Tobias. The other was heavier and blonde complected.

At first glance you'd have thought he had horns. Looking closer you saw it was his oddly protuberant forehead that gave this impression. Two long, long feelers fine as the finest thread grew out of his brows, and his body was the slimmest imaginable, and green all over, even to his eyes. He had dainty forelegs and thin, inconspicuous wings that couldn't be very practical, Maya thought.

He will go in just for a moment to pass the time of day with his friend the publican and see his last brand of books, but not to buy I mean to drink and then he comes across a little volume, the smallest and slimmest of volumes, a mere trifle of a thing, and not dear, but a thing which does not often turn up and which would just round off his collection at a particular point.

Although each bed was only intended for one grown person, the boys thought they could manage it. "Let Paul sleep in the middle because he is the slimmest," Fritz said. "I will sleep back and Franz can sleep front." This met with approval and then Franz made a suggestion. "Wise travelers always put their money under their pillows," he said, "then a burglar cannot get it without waking them.

Tom's next act was to light a candle. "Want supper?" he asked. "I could eat it," Prescott replied. "But what's the use?" "What do you mean?" "Why waste time with eating when there's the slimmest chance to get away?" Dick continued. "It may be hours before we can really put our plan into execution." "Our plan?" repeated Dick. "What on earth did I have to do with making the plan?

If we could sneak in there without bein' seen we'd have the slimmest sort of a chance to duck back to the ridge while they was shootin' their fire-arrers at this cabin. There would be a few minutes, when the first flames begin showin', when every eye would be on this place. If we could only reach the flank o' the ridge we'd be fools if we couldn't dodge 'em."

I approached leisurely, for it struck me that the boy would have shown better breeding if he had come toward me, considering my seniority. "I am sorry I did not notice you sooner. Why did you not come on when you saw us?" the smallest and slimmest youth called to me. "In the name of Miss Miss " I stammered. "Brande; you haven't forgotten my name, I hope," Natalie Brande said coolly.

Thus were we left for the next six days with one clean collar apiece. In Tangier there had been some speculation on the elasticity of the Spartan wardrobes which we had brought out from England, at a moment when the dread of a vast impedimenta happened to lie strong upon us. In Tetuan such panics bury themselves. The slimmest wardrobe will suffice.

This royal pair had one only child, the Princess Angelica, who, you may be sure, was a paragon in the courtiers' eyes, in her parents', and in her own. It was said she had the longest hair, the largest eyes, the slimmest waist, the smallest foot, and the most lovely complexion of any young lady in the Paflagonian dominions.