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I do not know that I should counsel others to do so, or that the general reader would find his account in it, but I am sure that the intending author of American fiction would do well to study the Spanish picaresque novels; for in their simplicity of design he will find one of the best forms for an American story.

"With such encouragement, I am surprised you did not propose at once." "So hasty a measure oh, most unsophisticated of Britons!" replied Van, with a look of grave pity for my simplicity "would have greatly perilled the success of my scheme.

Flore, who was quite unable even to suspect his simplicity of mind, looked at her future master and waited for a time, expecting Jean-Jacques to go on with what he was saying; but she finally left him without knowing what to think of such obstinate silence.

Barbara did not absolutely say that she felt no gratification on this point, but she expressed the sentiment so plainly by one little toss of her head, that Kit was quite disconcerted, and wondered, in his simplicity, why she was so cool about it. 'You'll say she has the sweetest and beautifullest face you ever saw, I know, said Kit, rubbing his hands. 'I'm sure you'll say that.

She followed the coffin to its gravel-heap, wishing neither to see nor be seen, only that she might be so far attached to the remains of the dead; and the sense of blessedness she had in her bowed simplicity of feeling was as if the sainted dead had cleansed and anointed her. When the sods had been cast on, the last word spoken, she walked her way back, happy in being alone, unnoticed.

And silence fell upon the room, a silence in which Harvey could hear a deep-drawn breath and the rustle of silk. He was surprised by a voice in quite a new tone, softly melodious. 'You give me up very easily. 'Not more easily than you give up your music. 'There's a difference. Do you remember what we were saying, last Wednesday, about simplicity of living? 'Last Wednesday? It seems a month ago.

The French have a high value for them; and I confess, they are often what they call delicate, when they are introduced with judgment; but Chaucer writ with more simplicity, and followed nature more closely, than to use them.

In no country in the world is there a more peaceable and kindly or moral and devout people than in the province of Quebec, largely because they have kept in their primitive simplicity the lessons taught by the clergy of New France.

Tony's transparent simplicity and candour in recounting his adventure at the Dents de Loup and its immediate consequences was too self-evident to doubt, and although he had refrained from mentioning the name of the girl who had been his companion the "pluckiest girl he knew" it was equally clear that he had been narrating the mountain episode in which Ann had been concerned and for which she had paid so dearly.

The toilette superbe requires only cost a toilette distinguee demands care. There was a happiness as well as care in Felicie's genius for dress, which, ever keeping the height of fashion in view, never lost sight of nature, adapting, selecting, combining to form a perfect whole, in which art itself concealed appeared only, as she expressed it, in the sublime of simplicity.