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Your kindness to us is that which passes from nurse to infant; your criticism reminds one of paedagogue and urchin. You make us sorry for our manners and habits, if they are so bad; but most of all you are merry at our simplicity. Not only we say what we feel, we display it. Now, I am so German, this offence is especially mine. I touched her horse's neck, and said, 'I have not seen it.

They frowned contemptuously on me, called me names that I had never heard before, and swore with a refinement that impressed me with the suspicion that I had said something that was not to be readily forgiven. With childlike simplicity I asked if it was wrong to wish that the vessel should go ashore. "Wrong? you young devil!" said they. "Would you have us all drowned?"

In the preface to his poetical pieces he alludes to her in terms of touching simplicity and tenderness: "As these pieces were mostly written in various passions, so passion hath now thrust them out into the world.

I sometimes think I am not all right here," and she touched her forehead. "They called me an idiot before I knew him! No, I could not live with others, for I can only cry when nobody but my child is with me." This was said with such unconscious, and therefore with such pathetic, simplicity, that the banker was sensibly affected.

We have not unfrequently, for the sake of simplicity, spoken of the moon's orbit as circular, and we have not even alluded to the fact that the plane of that orbit is inclined to the ecliptic.

Most of them had been hurt or broken by their attempt, but they all retained a certain something, a certain remaining dignity of having struggled against the inevitable, and had acquired insight into some of the deeper things in life, though having lost some of the childlike simplicity which is a characteristic of the social rebel.

But as we crawl through the door of the broken ones we shall emerge into the light and glory of the highway of holiness and humility. The message and challenge of Revival, which is coming to many of us these days is searching in its utter simplicity.

And, observe the art of it, under all the simplicity notice, for example, the curious weird effect produced by the studied repetition of the word "dingle" coming ever round and round like the master-note in a chime. Or take the passage about Britain towards the end of "The Bible in Spain."

Besides, the old gentleman had very little of the good things of this world to bestow upon his daughter. Alchemy could no more make gold then than it can now. It was as much as he could do to dower the bride with new gowns and underlinen, and here, too, he looked rather to simplicity than to splendor.

But now a fresh note was struck in the literature, not of England alone, but of Germany and France romanticism, the chief element in which was a love of the wild. Poets turned from the tameness of modern existence to savage nature and the heroic simplicity of life among primitive tribes.