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Updated: August 21, 2024

In the course of ten years Simonds & White shipped to Newburyport and Boston more than 3,500 hogsheads of lime for which they received four dollars per cask; they also sent lime to Halifax, Cornwallis and other places in Nova Scotia.

The burning of Fort Frederick seems to have been made known at Halifax by James Simonds and Daniel Leavitt, who went to Windsor in a whale boat to solicit to protection of government.

There were conjoined cynicism, admiration, doubt, and fear in his glance. But, instead of speaking again, he bowed and slipped away into the open hall. She heard him call, and she heard Fernand's oily voice make answer. And at that she shivered. What had Simonds guessed? How, under heaven, did he know where she had gone when she left the gaming house? Or did he know? Had he not merely guessed?

Shall have a kiln ready to set fire to in three weeks after the Schr. sails. Dispatch in shipping lime can never be made without a Lime house to have it ready when any vessel arrives. * In Great haste, I am, Gentlemen, Yr. Most Obedient & Humble Servt, JAS. SIMONDS. To Messrs. Hazen & Jarvis. In the year 1769 the company built a wharf and warehouse at Portland Point.

By the end of the morning he had accumulated in all three hundred lines from various sources for ragging. "That man, Caruthers, is some fellow," said Ferguson to Simonds at lunch. "He looks as if he enjoyed being in rows." "Perhaps he does," was the answer. "He is certainly always doing his best to get into them. But he is in for a birching this time." But Simonds was wrong.

At once the door swung open, and a stalwart, sturdy man entered, carrying a stout stick in his hand which he used as a cane. "Ah, good morning, Mr. Simonds," the Major accosted, his face brightening with pleasure and relief as he held out his hand. "I didn't expect you so early." "Umph! this is not early," the visitor replied. "It seems late to me. Why, I've been up all night.

Simonds' house eastward to Courtenay Bay is that now followed by Union street. It will be observed that the peninsula south of this street which now contains the business part of the city of St. John, and which was laid out for the Loyalists in 1783 as Parr-town, was not included in the grant.

On March 6th he placed Morris' Island under the immediate command of Brigadier General James Simonds, while the batteries were under the command of Lieutenant Colonel W.G. DeSaussure. Sullivan's Island was under the command of General R.G.M. Dunovant, and the batteries of this island were under Lieutenant Colonel Ripley.

"Run like hell!" shouted Simonds from the touch-line. He was standing on the masters' side of the ground, just in front of the Chief's wife. But he was past caring about social etiquette. All he wanted was to see the House ahead once more. "Faster, man, run oh, damn!" Just on the line the ubiquitous Livingstone caught him up, and the pair rolled into touch.

Simonds and his partners were too much engaged in securing their own lands from forfeiture to pay much attention to those of Col. Kemble. However on the arrival of the Loyalists a number of lots were speedily disposed of and by the efforts of Ward Chipman, who succeeded James Simonds as agent, the greater part of the lands were saved from escheat. Col. Kemble visited the River St. John in 1788.

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