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"Tobac?" he inquired. Archer passed him a dark and heavy plug of tobacco. "Knife?" queried Sacobie. "Try your own knife on it," answered Archer, grinning. With a sigh Sacobie produced his sheath-knife. "You t'ink Sacobie heap big t'ief," he said, accusingly. "Knives are easily lost in people's pockets," replied Archer. The two men talked for hours.

He wore large gold ear-rings in his ears, and was attired in a thick dreadnought jacket over a black-and-red- striped shirt, which was confined about his waist by a broad leather belt, to which was attached a sheath-knife of most formidable dimensions.

Some one had thrust a large sheath-knife into his hand. "Do yer duty! Do yer duty!" the men cried. The cook bent over, but he caught the boy's eyes and faltered. "If ye don't, I'll kill ye with me own hands," Behane shouted. From every side a torrent of abuse and threats poured in upon the cook. Still he hung back.

The noble hunter could resist no longer, and dropping his pistols and rifle, he drew his sheath-knife and slung shot, and, after winding his blanket around his left arm to protects it, rushed in and compelled the animal to turn upon him.

Chantz, bleeding prodigiously, was one of the first on Shorty's heels. I saw Nosey Murphy pause long enough to throw his knife at the mate. The missile went wide, with a metallic clang struck the brass tip of one of the spokes of the Elsinore's wheel, and clattered on the deck. The second mate, with his empty revolver, and Bert Rhine with his sheath-knife, fled past me side by side. Mr.

The birds were some minutes before they had all passed through the opening, and then the tramp downwards was resumed, with the result that before long the light grew stronger from below, and at last quite bright, for a peculiar rustling was heard, which resolved itself into the acts of Brace, who had reached a level spot and was now busy with his large sheath-knife hacking away at a dense mass of creeper not unlike ivy.

Joses fell on his face, and stayed there fumbling, while he vomited oaths. "Look out!" cried the girl sharply. "He's got a knife, and he'll use it." She was right. Joses was busy with that wooden-handled sheath-knife of his. Silver took a step forward. "Ah, then! would you?" he scolded, and hit the other a tap over the wrist with the handle of his hunting crop. Joses yelped and dropped the knife.

I must rise to the surface in a very few seconds, or drown where I was; and I felt convinced that the moment I was far enough from the bottom to permit of the monster making his rush, he would do so. Suddenly, the remembrance of my sheath-knife flashed across my brain.

"Ay, ay, father," answered Gerald; "if he shows his face at the door without leave, I'll make him draw it back again pretty quickly." Pompey had been left to watch over Jacques Busson and the man who had been serving at the wheel. He had no pistol, but instead he held in his hand a sharp, long-bladed sheath-knife, which effectually kept the prisoners from stirring.

"I have tuk a bigger nug than you and nicked his kicks into the bottom of his gizzard till his liver-lights fell into my mauleys. So it's nish or knife betwixt us, my bene cove!" He put his hand upon his hip, where he carried a sheath-knife. "Raise that hand," said Jimmy Phoebus, with a quick pass of his whittling knife to the giant's throat. "Raise it or, by smoke! yer goes yer jugler."