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For some were sunk and many were shatter'd, and so could fight us no more God of battles, was ever a battle like this in the world before? The Revenge had by this time spent her last barrel of gunpowder; all her pikes were broken, forty of her best men slain, and most of the remainder wounded.

So in a storm when no sea-arts avail To guide the ship with any certain sail; Some bind the shatter'd mast, with thoughts secure, Others are swimming t'ward the peaceful shore; While with full sails kind fortune these implore.

And when like a languishing bird I was fain To the home of my fathers and my love to return, Of a sudden the fierce tempest roar'd amain; So I saw my wings shatter'd and no home remain, My trust sold to others and wrecks round me burn.

This sort shake their Wings as they fly, and rise commonly in a circular manner in their flight; the Males for the most part rising higher than the Females, and frequently falling and flapping them with their Wings, which produces a noise that one may hear a great way; from whence it happens that their Quill-Feathers are commonly broken or shatter'd.

Or answerest thou, I see nothing but gloom and shatter'd hours, and the wreck of good resolves, and a broken heart, filled with sickness, and troubled among its ruined chambers with the phantoms of many follies? O, youth! youth! this dream will one day be a reality a reality, either of heavenly peace or agonizing sorrow.

"And whisper'd words of comfort and love Fall sweet on the ear of sorrow; 'Why weepest thou? thou art troubled now, But there cometh a bright to-morrow. " 'We, too, have pass'd over life's wild stream In a frail and shatter'd boat, But the pilot was sure and we sail'd secure When we seem'd but scarce afloat.

At the sound of my step on the threshold she turn'd with a short cry a cry the like of which I have never heard, so full was it of choking joy. The glass dropp'd to the floor and was shatter'd. In a second her arms were about me, and so she hung on my neck, sobbing and laughing together. "'Twas true 'twas true!

With the battle that is won AGNAR'S earthly course is run! "When thy shatter'd frame must yield, If thou seek'st a future field; When thy arm, that sway'd the strife, Fails to shield thy worthless life; When thy hands no more afford Full employment to the sword; Then, preserve respect thy name; Meet thy death to live is shame! Such is Odin's mighty will; Such commands I now fulfil!"

The path lies o'er the sea, Invisible: and from the land we went, As to a floating city steering in, And gliding up her streets, as in a dream, So smoothly, silently by many a dome, Mosque-like, and many a stately portico, The statues ranged along an azure sky; By many a pile, in more than Eastern pride, Of old the residence of merchant kings; The fronts of some, tho' time had shatter'd them, Still glowing with the richest hues of art, As tho' the wealth within them had run o'er."

Presently he pulls up before a rebel trooper, that was writhing on the slope with a shatter'd thigh, yet raised himself on his fists to gaze on us with wide, painful eyes. "Good sirs," gasp'd out the rebel, "can you tell me where be Nat Shipward?" "Now how should I know?" I answer'd. "'A had nutty-brown curls, an' wore a red jacket Oh, as straight a young man as ever pitched hay!