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"Oh, horrible!" I exclaimed to myself: "Does anyone really imagine that these motor-cars are as smart as the old carriage-and-pair? I dare say. I am too old now but I was not intended for a world in which women shackle themselves in garments that are not even made of cloth.

And if I know anything of you, you would have romantically said, had you seen the letter at first, and understood its covert intention, 'Let me not shackle the choice of the woman I love, and to whom an alliance so coveted in the eyes of the world might, if she were left free, be proffered."

A heavy chain was attached to his right leg by a shackle at the ankle; the other end was to have been attached to the left leg, but as the jailors had not time to effect the connexion when the order came for the removal of the prisoner, they bade him take it in his hand, and it was in this plight, with a festoon of iron from his hand to his foot, he passed from the prison into the street repeating mayhap to his own heart, the words uttered by Wolfe Tone in circumstances not dissimilar: "For the cause which I have embraced, I feel prouder to wear these chains, than if I were decorated with the star and garter of England."

Then Williams and I went aloft to see where the sheet had gone. It was much as I had supposed; the spectacle was all right, but the pin had gone out of the shackle, and the shackle itself was jammed into the sheavehole in the yard arm. Williams sent me down for another pin, while he unbent the clewline, and overhauled it down to the sheet.

Rigidity in one person creates a counter-rigidity in the other. There is a thwarting upon both sides, a mutual shackle upon sweetness and understanding. A wildness of action arises, with loss of affection, respect, self-respect. The gospel of rebellion we know to be specious and without justification; but it is essential to us, as human beings, to maintain self-approval for our acts.

He leaped out, made the boat fast, and then, coming back, was about to carry the boy ashore; but my father had forestalled him, and stepped out with the boy in his arms, laying him gently down on the grass, and then looking wonderingly at Morgan, who had followed, and knelt down to pass a rope through the shackle and make it fast to a ring-bolt used for mooring the boat, and driven into one of the tree-trunks close to the water.

"When we have cashiered this self-will of ours, which did but shackle and confine our soules, our wills shall then become truly free, being widened and enlarged to the extent of God's own will." Cudworth, Sermon before the House of Commons, p. 21.

We're goin' to knock out a shackle in the chain an' let her go to glory." "Anchors is expensive, Gib. Mebbe they'll deduct the price o' that anchor from our salvage." "By Jupiter, you're talkin', Mac. We'll just save that anchor, come to think of it." "How?" "Just let Scraggsy an' The Squarehead come aboard an' put the ship's towin' cable aboard the Maggie.

They wore an iron ring, too, or shackle upon their necks until they had performed the same achievement, a symbol which they then threw away, as the emblem of sloth. The Batavians were ever spoken of by the Romans with entire respect. They conquered the Belgians, they forced the free Frisians to pay tribute, but they called the Batavians their friends. The tax-gatherer never invaded their island.

It is like boundless hope, delivery from every shackle, absolute freedom of motion through space. And nothing can inspirit one more gloriously one's heart leaps as if one were in the very heavens. "We are not going to Poissy, you know!" Marie suddenly cried; "we have to turn to the left."