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"P.S. You know perhs yt poor Jno Courtd, your uncle's mo intime friend, lives in..., the town in which your servt will drop ye bride. He is much alter'd, poor Jno!" "Altered! alteration then seems the fashion with my uncle's friends!" thought Walter, as he rang for the Corporal, and consigned to his charge the unsightly parcel.

"P.S. You know perhs yt poor Jno Courtd, your uncle's mo intime friend, lives in ..., the town in which your servt will drop ye bride. He is much alter'd, poor Jno!" "Altered! alteration then seems the fashion with my uncle's friends!" thought Walter, as he rang for the Corporal, and consigned to his charge the unsightly parcel.

On the front of his sale-board hung a little placard, like a kettle-holder, bearing the inscription in his own small text: Errands gone On with fi Delity By Ladies and Gentlemen I remain Your humble Servt: Silas Wegg For this reason, he always spoke of it as 'Our House, and, though his knowledge of its affairs was mostly speculative and all wrong, claimed to be in its confidence.

I am at Present with my sister where I mean to continue till my own house which tho' an excellent one is at Present somewhat out of repair, is ready to receive me. Amiable princess of my Heart farewell Of that Heart which trembles while it signs itself Your most ardent Admirer and devoted humble servt. T. Musgrove. There is a pattern for a Love-letter Matilda!

"Yr obt servt, Gilbert, with his limited experience of business matters, had entirely overlooked the fact, that the permission of the creditor is not necessary to the payment of a debt.

It is owing to his Credulity of her Innocence, that these Jokes have been spread, and I find that he is a great favourite of Miss Blandy's. I will endeavour to get the Briefs settled in the best manner I am able and as soon as I have done, will send you a copy, and am wishing you many happy years. Sir, Yr Obliged humble Servt. P.S. I promised to write to Ld.

Instant; It's simply adrest to you at Bath, It operates in the same lively manner upon the faire sex as it does on ours. Quine Vaughan. I wait your answer with Impatience, but allwaies believe me, with great sincerity and estime My Dr. Sir, 'Your most affte, oblidged, humble Servt. From France, when he arrived there, Pickle wrote to Gwynne Vaughan as follows: Add. 32,735.

The preccippice isn't very deep bein not above heighy feet or therabouts the hosses is got up but is very bad the carrige lies on its back and we can't stir it nohow. Mr. is very kind, and has lent above a hunderd niggers, but they aint no more use than cats at liftin. Plese Zur come and see whats to be done. "Your Humbel Servt, "H. PERKES."

Of date or postmark there is no vestige, and the decipherment was not easy. It appears to run: Dr Sr. Has you was the Means of me losing my place with Dr Pulteney I think it is only just what I am asking and you know best what I could say if I was Put to it but I do not wish anything of that unpleasant Nature being one that always wish to have everything Pleasant about me. Your obedt Servt,

Shall inform you of the Prossedings from Time to Time as we have New occurencys. mean Time I am Sir yr very Humble Servt Israel Putnam. N.B. The Throop of Horse is not Expected to come on till further notice. Sir. Being in hast and cannot write Disire a copy of this to be transmitted to Governor Trumble. A true copy, Ebenezer Williams. Pomfret, April 22, 1775.