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Chief among them was the abbot's stall, festooned with sculptured vine wreaths and clustering grapes, and bearing the auspicious inscription: Semper gaudentes sint ista sede sedentes: singularly inapplicable, however, to the last prelate who filled it.

But the corps was reorganized and permanently established July 11, 1798. From that day to this, its officers have been zealous participants in every expedition and action in which the navy has engaged, and in many trying campaigns they have won distinction with their brethren of the army. Their motto is Semper Fidelis, and ever have they lived up to it in war and in peace.

"Now, we want a motto," said Gordon; "something that will express, in few words, the objects of the society." "I don't happen to know what the objects of the society are," replied Haven; "but I suggest, 'Honi soit qui mal y pense." "The Queen of England has a mortgage on that motto," said Paul. "Semper paratus will be better." "What does it mean?" asked a student. "Some praties," replied a wag.

How each girl found it, but in an entirely different manner, how Grace lived up to her resolve to choose only the highest in college, and how the famous Semper Fidelis Club came into existence, made the sophomore year in college memorable. "Grace Harlowe's Third Year at Overton College" told of what befell the four friends as juniors.

When at eight o'clock the nine representatives of Semper Fidelis seated themselves at the tastefully decorated festal board, which occupied a position of central importance on the grassy lawn, they had no reason to complain of too much natural light. Through the dense summer darkness that had now closed in about them, softly-glowing lanterns winked their many-colored eyes.

Another nail has been struck into the coffin of the CHUBSONS, and the rest of the gang whom the unfortunate apathy of the Conservatives, at the last election, permitted to rise to high places in Billsbury politics. They have earned their doom. Sic semper tyrannis!" There's a curious paragraph in a little weekly sort of Society rag published in Billsbury. It says: "Mr.

The Wonderland Circus had been saved as the crowning event of her visit, and invitations had been sent to Mr. Thomas Redfield, the benefactor of Semper Fidelis Club, Dr. Morton, Miss Wilder and the various members of the faculty to be present at the Circus. Never had the immortal animals been in better form. Round after round of applause greeted the conclusion of their famous Wonderland song.

"Wouldn't it be wonderful if Ruth should find her father?" said Grace musingly. "I don't believe she ever will," returned Arline. "It's too bad." Her flower-like face looked very solemn for a moment, then brightened as she exclaimed: "Oh, I almost forgot my principal reason for wishing to see you. The Semper Fidelis Club hasn't held a meeting this year, and we must begin to busy ourselves.

At the hospitable house of Desplechins I met Semper, who was trying to make his position as tolerable as possible by writing some inferior artistic work. He had left his family in Dresden, from which town we soon received the most alarming news.

Would he find her grown up when he came back next time? "Do you like school as well as you thought you would?" he asked, with a change of tone. He would not be "nonsensical" any longer. "Better! A great deal better," she said, enthusiastically. "What are you getting ready for?" "Semper fiddelis. Don't you remember our motto? I am getting ready to be always faithful.