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Updated: August 13, 2024

Of course he will play on it for me, even if he will not cut it off, and then if he says he loves me, and only me, I will believe him. I want to believe him; I want to believe him," all this in a semi-hysterical way addressed to the violinist's portrait on the piano.

Trimm in his cell had read all of it with smiling contempt, even to the semi-hysterical outpourings of the lady special writers who called him The Iron Man of Wall Street and undertook to analyze his emotions and missed the mark by a thousand miles or two.

As the women took their places at the two tables, arguing a bit among themselves, with semi-hysterical edges to their voices, Dundee watched the men, but all of them, with the exception of Dexter Sprague that typical son of Broadway, so out of place in this company had managed at least a fine surface control, their lips tight, their eyes hard, narrowed and watchful.

But in their petty, monotonous, habitually frivolous life there was, in general, a great deal of semi-puerile, semi-hysterical play. Simeon brought a coffee pot, cups, a squatty bottle of Benedictine, fruits and bon-bons in glass vases, and gaily and easily began making the corks of the beer and wine pop. "But why don't you drink?" Yarchenko turned to the reporter Platonov.

It would give her something to do, keep her mind off herself. Nothing but excitement would pull her out of this semi-hysterical doldrum. She hid the wallet in the pocket of her underskirt. Already her blood was beginning to dance. She ran into her bedroom for two veils, a gray automobile puggree and one of those heavy black affairs with butterflies scattered over it, quite as effectual as a mask.

Aileen, albeit full of sympathy, turned her face to the wall, and lay with closed eyes. After a time the latter looked slowly round. "Are you asleep, Laura?" Miss Pritty gave a sharp semi-hysterical laugh at the bare idea of such an impossible condition. "Well, I was going to say," resumed Aileen, "that we cannot be very far from land now, and when we do get there "

"You shall not," she murmured. "It is worth a little risk, this." Wrayson touched Louise on the arm and they turned away. He found her a seat in a quiet corner of the fruit garden, where a tall row of hollyhocks shielded them from observation. She was very white, and in a semi-hysterical state. "I can't believe," she said, "that that is really Duncan Duncan himself. It is too wonderful!"

In this semi-hysterical style of writing, the poor man unconsciously told me how cunningly and how cruelly his wife was deceiving him. I longed to exhibit that wicked woman in her true character but what could I do?

Just as the inhabitants of a Welsh village have their general belief in religion strengthened by the semi-hysterical speeches of an Evan Roberts, and the convulsive capers of a whole congregation, so in all ages people have found endorsement of their belief in a supernatural world in the existence of cases the pathological nature of which admits of no doubt.

He grew more rational as they walked home, but talked and argued all the way with that semi-hysterical garrulity which was so painful to his hearers. They found Vernon sitting up in bed, reading 'Grimm's Goblins, and in very high spirits. A most wonderful event had happened. Cheap Jack had been to see him. He came with Mr. Fosbroke at twelve o'clock. He had overtaken Mr.

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