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There was a breakfast as usual, and chicken and tongue and wine, which, taken in the morning, are provocative of eloquence; and, of course, the proper quantity of healths and toasts were executed selon la reglei, it was time for the bride and bridegroom to bow and blush and curtsey out of the room, and make themselves food for a paragraph in the morning papers, under the title of the "happy pair," who set off in a handsome chariot, &c., &c.

The commercant's wife, forgetful of me, charmed by the poet, by the excitement of hearing herself made a subject of a poem, drew nearer. Strange, is it not, that I should remember a few words here and there? "Il m'aime, il m'aime pas, et selon l'antique rite Elle effleurait la Marguerite."

You have, of course, heard that we are ordered abroad; mere newspaper report for the present; nevertheless, it is extremely difficult almost impossible, without a sick certificate, to obtain a leave sufficiently long for your purpose." And here he smirked, and I blushed, selon les regles.. "A sick certificate," said I in some surprise.

Son vêtement étoit, selon l'usage, une robe de satin cramoisi, par-dessus laquelle il en avoit, comme manteau, une autre de satin vert

Villele will have nothing to do with the Government under this House of deputies, which declared his administration deplorable. He seems to stipulate for their dissolution. Halil Pacha takes to Petersburg fine presents for the Emperor and Empress, and other presents he is to distribute 'selon son gré et en son nom' which are enough to bribe all the ladies in Europe.

For the art of telling a story clearly and dramatically, selon les procédés de M. Scribe, I had thoroughly learnt from old M. Duval, the author of a hundred and sixty plays, written in collaboration with more than a hundred of the best writers of his day, including the master himself, Gautier.

As we were going out, the landlady, getting on towards eighty, with a bookish nose, pale blue eyes and a Giovanni Bellini's Loredano Loredani kind of expression, came up to us and said, in sweetly apologetic accents: "Avez-vous donc dejeune a peu pres selon vos idees, Messieurs?"

'Parlons selon les lumieres naturelles. S'il y a un Dieu, il est infiniment incompréhensible; puisque, n'ayant ni principes ni bornes, il n'a nul rapport

If the books are good for anything, they must be considerably improved, by having seen so much of the world; but, as I believe they are English books, perhaps they may, like English travelers, have seen nobody, but the several bankers to whom they were consigned: be that as it will, I think you had best deliver them to Monsieur Hecht, the Prussian Minister at Hamburg, to forward to her Royal Highness, with a respectful compliment from you, which you will, no doubt, turn in the best manner, and 'selon le bon ton de la parfaitement bonne compagnie'.

I always try and fill my Sundays full of fresh air. "Where are you going to-night, Baby?" she added, with a charmingly impudent smile. "The Albert Hall, with Lady Selon"; and a twinkle shone in his eyes. "Goodness gracious! What in the world are you going to the Albert Hall for? and who is Lady Selon?" "She is Soccer Selon's sister-in-law, and she asked me to take her to a concert.