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He went with her towards the door. But within a yard of it she stopped. "And you, Mr. Francis. You were brought up in all this. Does it ever come back to you?" He smiled. "Never," he said, "except as a dream." "How do you account for that, then? If it is all self-suggestion, you have had thirty years of it." She paused; and for a moment he hesitated what to answer.

Frank S. Caprio, a prominent psychiatrist, in his book, Helping Yourself with Psychiatry, states the following: "A whole new world of self-confidence and positive living is open to every person, young and old, through hypnosis, self-hypnosis and self-suggestion or auto-hypnosis." How Does Self-Hypnosis Work? There's an old Chinese proverb that states: "One picture is worth a thousand words."

Fearthought he defines as the "self-suggestion of inferiority"; so that one may say that these systems all operate by the suggestion of power.

The really great first-rate artists make themselves a secondary existence by self-suggestion, and really have two selves, one that thinks and acts like Othello, or Hamlet, or Louis the Eleventh, the other that goes through life with the opinions, convictions, and principles of Sir Henry Irving, of Tommaso Salvini, or of Madame Sarah Bernhardt.

And the young doctor, thanking the gods of science that his leader's aberrations were of so harmless a character, went home strong in the certitude of his knowledge of externals, proud that he was able to refer his visions to self-suggestion, and wondering complaisantly whether in his old age he might not after all suffer himself from visitations of the very kind that afflicted his respected chief.

It is quite possible that everything happened in the subconscious imagination of the subject and that she herself created, by self-suggestion, her illness, her fright, her fall and her miscarriage and adapted herself to most of the circumstances which she had foretold in her secondary state.

"Well, this Faith, acting upon what they call Evidences this Faith makes them absolutely certain that there is a God, that He was made man and so on, with the Church and all the rest of it. They say too that this is further proved by the effect that their religion has had in the world, and by the way it explains man's nature to himself. You see, it is just a case of self-suggestion."

If this were so, the case which would be one of latent illness or even of self-suggestion; and the preexistence of the future, without being entirely disproved, would be less clearly established. Let us pass to other examples. I quote from an excellent article of the importance of precognitions, by Messrs.

Any self-suggestion of an infirmity of purpose, with a nature such as hers, would have produced precipitation. She turned down a slight gorge among the hills where the forest was more close. She knelt beneath a tree and laid down her pistol at its foot. She knelt strange contradiction! she knelt for the purposes of prayer. But she could not pray.

'He'll pull round. Self-suggestion will do it. It's not a bad case. He couldn't get hold of the idea at first he's not very bright; but I found out that he'd got some very useful religious notions, and I work it in on these. From the housekeeper, a friend of her youth, Helen learned that in the village Mr. Kane's ministrations to Jim Betts were regarded with surprise, yet not without admiration.