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The pitch is determined probably by the accidental condition of the auditory centre in the brain or by the pitch of the external sound which serves as stimulus to the tune. Normal Auto-Suggestion. A further class of Suggestions, which fall under the general phrase Auto-suggestion, or Self-suggestion of a normal type, may be illustrated.

A man may even deny the very existence of spirit, and thus by a subtle but efficacious species of self-suggestion prevent its manifestation in himself. But whether he expresses this spirit well or ill, a man does in fact join with all creation below him in manifesting this innate spirituality without which there can be no life.

This is a field in which self-suggestion is of definite value. Everyone appreciates the effect on sleep of the "state of mind" when he has passed a succession of sleepless hours followed by a sudden tendency to somnolence at the time for rising. The problem is to acquire the frame of mind without waiting for circumstances.

Healing, so-called, by hetero-suggestion, is not permanent, for as soon as the healer ceases to "pump" suggestion into the patient the latter begins to relapse into his former state. Far better results accrue if the patient is taught to use auto or self-suggestion for himself.

Probably most medical men would treat this individual's case as one of what it is fashionable now to call by the name of "self-suggestion," or "expectant attention" as if those phrases were explanatory, or meant more than the fact that certain men can be influenced, while others cannot be influenced, by certain sorts of ideas.

Thought-transference is a sufficiently ascertained phenomenon the insistence of a conscious mind upon a certain fact until it penetrates the unconscious mind of another and is adopted as its own. But in the dream state the mind seems passive, and becomes the prey of this or that self-suggestion, without the power of imparting it to another dreaming mind.

"Certainly.... Oh, yes; I saw it too; and there's the pencil on the floor" he stooped and picked it up. "But what if we were both hypnotized both acted upon by self-suggestion? We can't prove we weren't." Laurie was dumb. "Secondly, it doesn't prove anything, in any case, as regards the other matters we were speaking of.

He remained blandly humane under the most disconcerting circumstances. She overtook him one day in a lane holding a drunkard by the shoulder and endeavouring to steer him homeward, while he expounded to him in scientific tones the ill effects of alcohol on the system, and the remarkable results to be attained by steady self-suggestion. Mr.

"How would your old fellow-Catholics account for it?" "They would say that I bad forfeited light that Faith was withdrawn." "And you?" Again he paused. "I should say that I had made a stronger self-suggestion the other way." "I see.... Good-night, Mr. Francis."

One day when I was borrowing trouble about some prospective calamity, he said he always drew consolation from the old farmer's observation: "Mebbe 'taint so!" Much unintentional self-suggestion is conveyed in one's habitual method of expressing his attitude toward annoyances, thus: "That simply drives me wild." Suppose, now, one should try a little substitution; for example: That \ drives me wild.