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Two clubs of pleasure, called the Diamond and the Branch badges adopted by the Medici to signify their firmness in disaster and their power of self-recovery were formed to lead the revels. The best sculptors and painters devoted their genius to the invention of costumes and cars. The city affected to believe that the age of gold had come again. Fortune had been very favourable to the Medici.

Assingham to measure the feat of quick self-recovery, possibly therefore of recognition still more immediate, accompanying Amerigo's vision and estimate of the evidence with which she had been so admirably, she felt as she looked at him inspired to deal. She looked at him and looked at him there were so many things she wanted, on the spot, to say.

I, on the other hand, believe that if the murderer saw things as they truly are, he would himself claim his own death, as his best chance, his only chance in this mysterious universe! of self-recovery. Then it comes to this was the act murder? The English law of murder is not perfect, but it appears to me to be substantially just, and guided by it "

His voice had grown sombre, and to Jimmie, gazing at him, it seemed that all the sorrows of the world were in his tired grey eyes. "Perhaps I'd better go," said Jimmie. "No no," replied the other, with quick self-recovery. He looked and saw that Jimmie had forgotten his meal.

Instead of vanishing, he had reappeared, following up his discovery into her very presence. She did not desire him to follow up his discovery. She put out one hand and pressed her son back into the room and was about to close the door. "I should first have stated, of course," said the visitor, smiling quietly as with awkward self-recovery, "that I am the choir-master of the Cathedral of St.

His own heart, he says, bleeds and his pen quakes to write what must be written of the falsehood of Cressid, which was her doom. Chaucer's nature, however tried, was unmistakeably one gifted with the blessed power of easy self-recovery.

But the best read naturalist who lends an entire and devout attention to truth, will see that there remains much to learn of his relation to the world, and that it is not to be learned by any addition or subtraction or other comparison of known quantities, but is arrived at by untaught sallies of the spirit, by a continual self-recovery, and by entire humility.

Lord Arranmore winced perceptibly. Brooks, who would not have believed him capable of such a thing, for a moment doubted his eyes. "I am much obliged for your candour," Lord Arranmore said, coldly, and with complete self-recovery. "Don't trouble to come to the door. Good-evening." Brooks was alone. He sat down in one of the big easy-chairs, and for a moment forgot that empty stall next to Selina.

He had gone far enough for experience and not too far for self-recovery. The wise man in looking back upon his endeavours regrets nothing of which that can be said. By the side of a passion such as that which had opened Hubert's intellectual manhood, the mild, progressive attachments sanctioned by society show so colourless as to suggest illusion.

She feared the young man was but amusing himself, or at best enjoying Hester's company as some wary winged thing enjoys the flame, courting a few singes, not quite avoiding even a slight plumous conflagration, but careful not to turn a delightful imagination into a consuming reality, beyond retreat and self-recovery.