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Denn so drangen sie sich selbst hervor, und wollen nicht weiter vorborgen sein." To this Luther adds the significant statement: "Ich habe vor, einen öffentlichen Zettel auszulassen an den Kaiser und den Adel im ganzen Deutschland, wider die Tyrannei und die Nichstwürdigkeit des römischen Hofes." "'Feeding' in the Roman sense means to burden Christendom with many and hurtful laws.

So comes the truth of Goethe's judgments on his works; they are a life, a living thing, designed for those who are alive ein Lebendiges fuer die Lebendigen geschrieben, ein Leben selbst. In 1785 Cardinal Albani, who possessed in his Roman villa a precious collection of antiquities, became Winckelmann's patron. Pompeii had just opened its treasures; Winckelmann gathered its first-fruits.

One morning, after a dreadful quarrel I got the idea for the concerto, and the psalms. Jewish music. As Jewish as the Kol Nidre. I wanted to express the passion, and fire, and history of a people. My people. Why was that? Tell me. Selbst, weiss ich nicht.

Johnson's harangues as is not positively shocking, we know of no parallel so close as in his Imperial Majesty Kobes I.: "Er rühmte dass er nie studirt Auf Universitäten Und Reden sprachi aus sich selbst heraus, Ganz ohne Facultäten." And when we consider his power of tears; when we remember Mr. Reverdy Johnson and Mr.

The effect is vastly diverting, especially when Boito's paraphrase of Goethe's Von Zeit zu Zeit seh' ich den Alten gern Und hute mich mit ihm zu brechen. Es ist gar hubsch von einem grossen Herrn, So menschlich mit dem Teufel selbst zu sprechen. is turned into: "Now and again 'tis really pleasant thus to chat with the angels, and I'll take good care not to quarrel with them.

There are few who will not have taste enough to laugh at the two concluding lines of this soliloquy: and still fewer, I would fain hope, who would not have been more disposed to shudder, had I given a faithful translation. For the readers of German I have added the original: Blind-wuethend schleudert selbst der Gott der Freude Den Pechkranz in das brennende Gebaeude.

As I watched the lucky Frederick set out to return to the stable he came from it occurred to me that had he understood German, which he did not, nor English either, for that matter, he might have whispered joyfully to himself, in the words of another dealer in ways that are dark and tricks which are vain: "'Es ist gar hubsch von einem grossen Herrn, So menschlich mit dem Teufel selbst zu sprechen.

"What's prachtful?" I ask, startled. "The chicken?" "Nein; your waist. Selbst gemacht?" I am even becoming hardened to the manners of the aborigines. It used to fuss me to death to meet one of them in the halls. They always stopped short, brought heels together with a click, bent stiffly from the waist, and thundered: "Nabben', Fraulein!"

Dazu giebt Gott selbst allewegen Sein' Gnad' Gedeihen und milden Segen. Dass stete Lieb' und Treu' aufwachs' Im ehlich'n Stand', das wunscht Hans Sachs. One of the most thrilling scenes in "Die Meistersinger" is the greeting of Hans Sachs by the populace when the hero enters with the mastersingers' guild at the festival of St.

An Sie, Sire, mogen auch Frauen, ja selbst Kinder ihre Klagen bringen.