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One hand holds the skull, engraved with all the secret symbols of man's ascent out of the bosom of Nature; engraved, yes! by all the cunningest tools of Science and her unwearied research; but the other, raised aloft, noble and welcoming, carries the laurel crown of the triumph of Imagination! So, between Truth and Poetry "im ganzen guten, schonen," stands our Lord of Life!

Im ganzen haltet euch an Worte, So geht euch durch die sichere Pforte Zum Tempel der Gewissheit ein. Yet reflection might have shown you that the word of the master held no objective account of the nature and origin of beauty, but was the vague expression of his highly complex emotions.

It is not the emotional prompting toward righteousness, it is not the yearning to live im Guten, Ganzen, Wahren, that he seeks to weaken; quite likely he has all this as much at heart as the theologian who vituperates him. Nor is it true that his discoveries, in spite of him, tend to destroy this all-important mental attitude.

KANT'S Sämmtliche Werke, Bd. I. p. 220. "Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels; oder Versuch von der Verfassung und dem mechanischen Ursprunge des ganzen Weltgebäudes nach Newton'schen Grundsatzen abgehandelt." KANT'S Sämmtliche Werke, Bd. i. p. 207. Système du Monde, tome ii. chap. 6 Kant's "Sämmtliche Werke," Bd. viii. p. 145.

Im Ganzen, Guten, Wahren, resolut zu leben is Goethe's description of his own higher life; and what is meant by life in the whole im Ganzen? It means the life of one for whom, over and over again, what was once precious has become indifferent. Every one who aims at the life of culture is met by many forms of it, arising out of the intense, laborious, one-sided development of some special talent.

Long and dubious has been the music's struggle with pain, but at last, in great simplicity, the voices of the men give out the immortal theme, and the whole universe joins in harmony with a thunder of exultation: "Seid umschlungen, Millionen, Diesen Kuss der ganzen Welt!" Surely at the Hague Conference, in the fulfilment of time, peace had come on earth and goodwill among men.

Schiller und Lotte, dritte, den ganzen Briefwechsel umfassende Ausgabe, von W. Fielitz, Stuttgart, 1879; later edition, also by Fielitz, 1893. First published in 1856. Karl Augusts erstes Anknuepfen mit Schiller, Stuttgart, 1857, edited by Schiller's daughter, Emilie von Gleichen.

If any one wishes to know what it is like, let him read the tragedy which Sir Richard Schomburgk tells with his usual brilliance and pathos, for he is a poet as well as a man of science in his Travels in British Guiana, vol. ii. p. 255 how the Craspedocephalus, coiled on a stone in the ford, let fourteen people walk over him without stirring, or allowing himself to be seen: and at last rose, and, missing Schomburgk himself, struck the beautiful Indian bride, the 'Liebling der ganzen Gesellschaft; and how she died in her bridegroom's arms, with horrors which I do not record.

Denn so drangen sie sich selbst hervor, und wollen nicht weiter vorborgen sein." To this Luther adds the significant statement: "Ich habe vor, einen öffentlichen Zettel auszulassen an den Kaiser und den Adel im ganzen Deutschland, wider die Tyrannei und die Nichstwürdigkeit des römischen Hofes." "'Feeding' in the Roman sense means to burden Christendom with many and hurtful laws.

Aesthetic Writings Es ist gewisz von keinem Sterblichen kein groeszeres Wort gesprochen als dieses Kantische, was zugleich der Inhalt seiner ganzen Philosophie ist: Bestimme dich aus dir selbst. Letter of 1793. From a quotation in the preceding chapter we have seen what Schiller hoped for when he resolved to grapple with the Kantian philosophy.