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The Lanius collurio, an allied bird, uses this method still more frequently. He even prepares a small larder before feasting. One may thus see on a thorny branch spitted side by side Coleoptera, crickets, grasshoppers, frogs, and even young birds, which he has seized when they were in flight. Naumann, Naturgeschichte der Vögel Deutschlands, etc., Stuttgart, 1846-53.

On Cynocephalus, Brehm, 'Thierleben, B. i. 1864, s. 77. On Mycetes, Rengger, 'Naturgeschichte der Saugethiere von Paraguay, 1830, ss. 14, 20. The ruminants are eminently polygamous, and they present sexual differences more frequently than almost any other group of mammals; this holds good, especially in their weapons, but also in other characters.

Naturgeschichte der Vögel Deutschlands, etc. As he is a very good climber, he describes rapid spirals around it, and the falcon cannot in flying trace such small circles. By this method the Colaptes usually escapes. Audubon, Ornithological Biography, New York and Edinburgh, 1831-49. The Fox, who is so ingenious in hunting, is not less so when his own safety is concerned.

The bird amasses just enough to show us his apprehensions of the possible future lack of success in hunting, and his thought of preserving the surplus of the present in view of privations to come. Naumann, Naturgeschichte der Vögel Deutschlands, etc. The Fox, a very skilful hunter, has no trouble in finding game; of all the Carnivora he is, however, the only one who is truly foreseeing.

This animal does not emit its strong odour until more than a year old, and if castrated whilst young never emits it. Rengger, 'Naturgeschichte der Saugethiere von Paraguay, 1830, s. 355. The so-called tear-sacks, or suborbital pits, come under this head. These glands secrete a semi-fluid fetid matter which is sometimes so copious as to stain the whole face, as I have myself seen in an antelope.

In 1794 Reusser, a German, made a proposition a little different from the preceding systems, and which is contained in the Magazin fuer das Neueste aus der Physik und Naturgeschichte, published by Henri Voigt. "I am at home," says Reusser, "before my electric machine, and I am dictating to some one on the other side of the street a complete letter that he is writing himself.

Jenner Weir informs me that this is certainly the case with the nightingale. Bechstein, who kept birds during his whole life, asserts, "that the female canary always chooses the best singer, and that in a state of nature the female finch selects that male out of a hundred whose notes please her most." 'Naturgeschichte der Stubenvogel, 1840, s. 4. Mr. Mr.

In his Allgemeine Naturgeschichte the growth of sun and planets was traced from the cradle of a vast and formless mass of evenly diffused particles, and the uniformity of their movements was sought to be accounted for by the unvarying action of attractive and repulsive forces, under the dominion of which their development was carried forward.

KANT'S Sämmtliche Werke, Bd. I. p. 220. "Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels; oder Versuch von der Verfassung und dem mechanischen Ursprunge des ganzen Weltgebäudes nach Newton'schen Grundsatzen abgehandelt." KANT'S Sämmtliche Werke, Bd. i. p. 207. Système du Monde, tome ii. chap. 6 Kant's "Sämmtliche Werke," Bd. viii. p. 145.

Rengger, Naturgeschichte der Säugelliere von Paraguay, p. 11, cited by Westermarck, op. cit., p. 158. J. M. Wheeler, “Primitive Marriage,” an article in Progress, 1885, p. 128. McGee, “The Beginning of Marriage,” American Anthropologist, Vol. Haddon, “Western Tribes of the Torres States,” Journal of the Anthropological Society, Vol. XIX, Feb. 1890. Cited by Havelock Ellis, Psychology of Sex, Vol.