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Updated: August 1, 2024

Nor did they end here, but all this Scene being over, and the Forreign Prince having thus deliver'd them, and their own King being thus chas'd away, the People call themselves together, and as Reason good, having been deliver'd by him from the Miseries, Brangles, Oppressions, and Divisions of the former Reign, they thought they could do no less than to Crown their Deliverer; and having Summon'd a general Assembly of all their Capital Men, they gave the Crown to this Prince who had so generously sav'd them.

Once pledg'd, he had held fast to his word. Nor would I, for his own Soul's sake, have let him go. There is none, none under the sun but me alone, was strong enough to have sav'd Richard. 'T is true, as men judge such things, his Conduct to me was but Gallant Pleasantry, such as Fine Gentlemen do show to Favour'd Ladies. And he did Spare my Pride.

"And did you," asked I, "never at heart chide me for leaving you so!" "Why no. I never took thee for a conjurer, Jack." "But, at least, you thought of me," I urged. "Oh, dear oh, dear!" She pull'd rein and look'd at me: "I remember now that last night I kiss'd thee. Forget it, Jack: last night, so glad was I to be sav'd, I could have kiss'd a cobbler.

Enter Bea. with Dancers; all go out but Sir Cautious. Sir Cau. Well, I must break my Mind, if possible, to my Lady but if she shou'd be refractory now and make me pay Three hundred Pounds why, sure she won't have so little Grace Three hundred Pounds sav'd, is three hundred pounds got by our account Cou'd All

Indeed in England my countrymen are good at bidding stand; but I was not now upon a robbery but a defence, sett round with a thousand dangers. He sett upon me; I had him at my feete, sav'd him, and for my labour was after basely hurt by him. Fer. This was examined by me, my Lords; And Don John, thus accusd, was much ashamd Of his unmanly dealing. Gyr. He may be now soe. Lady.

"Sav'd from passions, too inferior To command the human soul; Led by motives most superior, Faith assumes entire control: Joined in the new creation, Living souls in union run, Till they find a just relation To the First-born two in one. "But this prize cannot be gained. Neither is salvation found, Till the Man of Sin is chained, And the old deceiver bound.

Swift from his couch he sprung, and 'scap'd the blow; When from an unknown hand the arrows fly, That lay the ruffian, in his vengeance, low. He groan'd, he died! from forth a column'd gate A fearful shepherd, pale and silent, crept, Who, as he watch'd his folded flock star-late, Had mark'd the robber steal where Hamet slept. He fear'd his own, and sav'd a stranger's life!

The thoughts and words remain to be consider'd in the comparison of the two poets; and I have sav'd myself one half of that labor, by owning that Ovid liv'd when the Roman tongue was in its meridian, Chaucer in the dawning of our language; therefore that part of the comparison stands not on an equal foot, any more than the diction of Ennius and Ovid, or of Chaucer and our present English.

By this they might have attained suitable reserves of Argument to distinguish themselves out of their Loyalty, and into their Loyalty, as occasion presented to dismiss this Prince, and entertain that, as they found it to their purpose; but above all, they might have learnt a way how to justify Swearing to one King and Praying for another, Eating one Prince's Bread and doing another Prince's Work, Serving one King they don't Love and Loving another they don't Serve; they might easily reconcile the Schisms of the Church, and prove they are still Loyal Subjects to King James, while they are only forc'd Bonds-Men to the Act of Settlement, for the sake of that comfortable Importance, call'd Food and Rainment; and thus their Reputation might have been sav'd, which is most unhappily tarnish'd and blur'd, with the malicious Attacks of the Whigs on one Hand, and the Non-Jurants on the other.

He dissembled at first a great trembling, but presently throwing my arms aside, in a higher voice cry'd out: "Must you be prating, thou ribaldrous cut-throat whom, condemn'd for murdring thine host, nothing but the fall of the stage could have sav'd? You make a noise, thou night-pad, who when at thy best hadst never to do with any woman but a bawd?

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