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Eden, who corrupts all Spanish words, as do most travellers in our own times, calls it the Stancha: it is the Station des Rochers of M. Borda, as is proved by the barometrical heights there observed. These heights were in 1803, according to M. Cordier, 19 inches 9.5 lines; and in 1776, according to Messrs. Two inclined rocks form a kind of cavern, which affords a shelter from the winds.

«Cette montagne de forme conique émoussée, ou plutôt parabolique, est pour ainsi dire coiffée d'une bande de rochers, qui du haut de sa tête descendent

A Norman woman, Amante by name, was sent to Les Rochers by the Paris milliner, to become my maid. She was tall and handsome, though upwards of forty, and somewhat gaunt.

«Mais toutes ces matières qui tombent, ne sont pas perdues pour les montagnes; il s'en perd même bien peu. Elles s'arrêtent au pied des rochers dont elles sont successivement détachées; et l

For they all along spoke as if it was their constant endeavour to keep the immediate neighbourhood of Les Rochers in the most orderly and tranquil condition, so as never to give cause for visits from the gendarmes. They disputed a little as to whether they should make their way into the castle larder through the gallery, and satisfy their hunger before the hasty interment, or afterwards.

«§ 641. Les rochers au pied desquels on passe avant de gravir la montée rapide et herbée qui aboutit

This operation of rivers undermining the sides of mountains, and causing scenes of ruin and destruction, may be illustrated by what our author has described under the title of Ravage du temps sur les Rochers de Saleve, §236. «L

759. Sur la droite ou au couchant de ces rochers, on voit une montagne calcaire étonnante dans ce genre par la hardiesse avec laquelle elle élève contre le ciel ses cimes aigues et tranchantes, taillées

Couldn't Forrest spend a day or two? They would take him to Chillon and up to the Rochers de Naye. There was a view worth seeing! "I can stand on that point up yonder," said Cary, "a mile and a quarter high, and fire a stone down the chimney of the hotel at Territet." And they did take him, for Forrest remained four days. Mr.

I have written love-letters to such in my time, d'un pathetique a faire fendre les rochers, and with about as much effect as if they had been addressed to stone. The simpletons only laughed, and said that 'those were not the sort of things to gain the affections. I wish I had kept copies in my own justification. What is worse, I have an utter aversion to blue-stockings.