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"You were a spy?" he said, his tone making a question of the odious statement. "A dirty spy?" "Your incredulity is flattering, at least," said Wilding pleasantly as he repocketed the parchment, "and it leads you in the right direction. I neither was nor am a spy." "That paper proves it!" cried Blake contemptuously. Having been a spy himself, he was a good judge of the vileness of the office.

True, he had partaken of the hospitality of strangers, but that was the due meed of his position as Rabbi, as the free passages to Königsberg and Stettin were tributes to his learning. He shook his fist at the city. He would fling their money in their faces some day. Thus swearing, he repocketed the coins, took the first turning that he met, and abandoned himself to chance.

"I Asbury Crewne the new circuit preacher," replied a voice. "I'm wet, cold and hungry can you give me shelter, in the name of my Master?" "Certainly!" cried Matalette, hastening to open the door, while the three hired men rapidly repocketed their pistols, and Helen gave vent to a sigh of relief.

And dashing open the door he disappeared from their sight just as light steps and the rustle of skirts were heard again in the adjoining room. "There are the ladies. What shall we say to them?" queried Sedgwick, stepping slowly towards the intervening curtains. "Tell them the truth," enjoined Mr. Blake, as he hastily repocketed his own belongings.

You shall have your loan back, and, if you like, you shall be Minister of Finance. We practically know the money's there; don't we, signorina?" She nodded assent. "If we fail?" said I. He drew a neat little revolver from his pocket, placed it for a moment against his ear, and repocketed it. "Most lucidly explained, colonel," said I. "Will you give me half an hour to think it over?"

And if you will trouble to look at the Laws of 1907, you will find they are inhibited no longer." Jeroloman stared. "I have yet to learn of it." Dunwoodie repocketed his towel. "Is it possible? Then when the opportunity occurs you might inform yourself. At the same time let me recommend the Court of Appeals for March. You may find there additional instruction. But I see you are going.

'It went the half hour as I came through the Polygon. I'm here before him, though, so I don't mind. Comforting himself with this reflection, Mr. Lowten extracted the plug from the door-key; having opened the door, replugged and repocketed his Bramah, and picked up the letters which the postman had dropped through the box, he ushered Mr. Pickwick into the office.

"Well, then, I must be off and find a room. Don't fret; you know I can breakfast and dine with you all the same, that is, when my other friends will let me. I shall be dreadfully persecuted." So saying, Uncle Jack repocketed his prospectus and wished us good-night.

For an eyebeat it was all clear to me as day. Then I laughed aloud at myself in returning sanity. I was in the twentieth century, not the eighteenth. An imagination so vivid that it read all this from a scrap of paper picked from the gutter needed curbing. I repocketed the chart and went to lunch. But I found I could not laugh myself out of my interest. The mystery of it drew me, despite myself.

I'll see. Where's that log pile?" His question was suddenly answered by his stumbling against something for he had already started on the search, having repocketed the tell-tale flashlight. No knowing when a stray ray might be seen by some enemy eye and its cause investigated. Groping about, he discovered Finzer's machine half slanting down one side of the log pile.