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But of all the joyous hours, none was more welcome to the child than that after the simple supper was cleared away and the room "redded up."

Then by and by she said to him: "Messire, I would that thou wouldst rest for some days, and take thine ease, and have thy wounds searched and dressed, and have thy armor looked to and redded. Now there is a castle at some distance from this, and it is my brother's castle, and thither we may go in a little pass. There thou mayst rest for this night and take thine ease.

"Ay, sir, and I will moreover warn goodwife Billington to-night, that she may have the Common house redded betimes." "Well thought on, John," replied Carver smiling, for goodwife Billington's untidiness was but too notorious among her associates.

"Why, Al, your face is gettin' all redded up. Haw, haw! Blushin', ain't you, Al? Haw, haw, haw! Blushin', by crimustee!" Albert laid down his pen. He had learned by experience that, in Issy's case, the maxim of the best defensive being a strong offensive was absolutely true. He looked with concern about the office. "There's a window open somewhere, isn't there, Is?" he inquired.

They tumbled out and redded up the place in a hurry, folding away the rugs and linen which Bill, with his grimed fingers, did not dare to touch and stowing them as he directed. A damp fog permeated the cabin. "Single-'anded too, as you may say. 'E's a world's wonder, that man." The children too thought it marvellous when they reached the deck and gazed about them.

You'll find all the rooms redded up I mean " "Yes, yes," laughed Leighton, "I know what you mean all right. I haven't even forgotten the smell of hot mince pies. Lew, don't you notice a sort of culinary incense "Land sakes! them pies is a-burnin'!" shrieked Mrs. Tuck as she turned and ran. William offered to show the way to the bedrooms, but Leighton refused.

"'Redded itself up'? What does that mean?" "Don't you use the word here? English seems to be a terribly poor language. Redding up means making everything tidy and neat, so that you're ready for anything." That was what one must do: red oneself up. It was true that it was no use doing that for Richard any more, and that there was no one else in the world for whom she wished to be ready.

Yet, after the first early morning hours, when my hostess attended on my wants, it was always Thekla who came to give me my food or my medicine; who redded up my room; who arranged the degree of light, shifting the temporary curtain with the shifting sun; and always as quietly and deliberately as though her attendance upon me were her sole work.

"And will this good man put up at Christian's cottage?" I asked. "Na, na, Mr. Edmund," said Bell, astonished, "Christian's nae ower weel provided wi' sheets and siclike, ye ken. Na! he's to stay wi' Mistress Dobie at Larrigie Inn. They've redded up the best rooms, and kindled fires and a', to be ready gin he comes soon.

Ellen ran across the lawn to her, beetle-black in her mourning, but capering as foals do. "I'll not have my breakfast till he does," she announced. "Is there anything I can do for him?" "Nothing, my dear, I'm afraid. But look at the view. Isn't it lovely?" The girl clapped her hands. "Oh, it's bonny. And it's neat. It's redded itself up for Richard's coming."