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There are saint-houses in the city where women are allowed to pray, but only upon one night in the whole year in El-Jama-el-Kebeer a field-day among the wives and concubines, who flit like white moths through the darkness in flocks to worship, carrying red-and-blue lanterns. At last we reached the house of the Moor upon whom Mr. Bewicke intended us to call a specimen of the best Moorish houses.

All his hair and his armour shone with a red-and-blue flame; and the light of him struck the vaulting and the floor like the rays of a torch as it burns. Over his head a dark tunnel, bored in the solid rock, reached up a hollow throat seawards.

On the sheet of paper inside was another valorous red-and-blue Zouave defending the flag with drawn sword. On it was written: "Bad Ax, Wisconsin, "Janooary the 14th, 1863.

The walls of the hall were decked with elaborate, meaningless scrolls in plaster bas-relief, echoed by raised circles on the ceiling just above the hanging chandelier, which was expensive and hideous, a clutter of brass and knobby red-and-blue glass.

A short, squat man, attired in a brilliant red-and-blue uniform, with medals flashing upon his breast, strode into the room and came to attention before the Prime Minister. "You summoned me, sir?" "Yes, General. These," indicating Hal and Chester, "are the two officers who overheard the plot to kidnap President Poincaré. I have called you here that you may hear their story at first hand."

Laura Needham, Carl bought red-and-blue and lemon-colored all-day suckers, and a sugar mouse, and a candy kitten with green ears and real whiskers.

As he turned for the fifth journey a red-and-blue flash struck his eye. The flash came from the far corner of the shop, from the foot of the gunpowder-blue temple vase. Diamonds not pearls but diamonds! Russian loot! Ling Foo pressed down his excitement and slowly approached the vase. A necklace! He gave the object a slight kick, which sent it rattling toward the door to the rear.

But it costs money, of course oh, a red-and-blue machine like that is a terribly costly thing! Happy Isak! But as he stops for oil the third time, there! his spectacles fall from his pocket. And, worst of all, the two boys saw it. Was there a higher power behind that little happening a warning against overweening pride?

How'd it look to the County Fair all scratched out? Plague take it all!" The same hands have done maps of North and South America, and red-and-blue ink pictures of the circulation of the blood. It does beat all how smart the young ones are nowadays. I could no more draw off a picture of the circulation of the blood get it right, I mean why, I wouldn't attempt it.

It was actually a piece of silver a tiny piece trodden upon by many feet, but still with spirit enough left to shine a little. Not quite a sixpence, but the next thing to it a fourpenny piece. In one second it was in her cold little red-and-blue hand. "Oh," she gasped, "it is true! It is true!" And then, if you will believe me, she looked straight at the shop directly facing her.