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"They deserve to be!" declared Reay, hotly "It isn't right it isn't just that two or three, or let us say four or five men should be able to control the money-markets of the world. They generally get their wealth through some unscrupulous 'deal, or through 'sweating' labour. I hate all 'cornering' systems. I believe in having enough to live upon, but not too much."

'It is a tragedy of real life, which you will do well, young painter, to compare with your own! With a kindly pressure of the hand, and a gentle smile oh! so sweet, so pure, and heavenly! Julia Reay left me; while I sat perfectly awed that is the only word I can use with the revelation which she had made both of her history and of her own grand soul.

He laughed again, and they all talked awhile longer on this unexpected event, which, to such a village as Weircombe, was one of startling importance and excitement, and then, as the afternoon was drawing in and Mary did not reappear, Angus Reay took his departure with Twitt, leaving Helmsley sitting alone in his chair by the fire.

Mary stirred the fire into a brighter blaze, and drawing Helmsley's armchair close to its warm glow, stood by him till he was comfortably seated then she placed another chair opposite for Reay, and sat down herself on a low oaken settle between the two. "This is the pleasantest time of the day just now," she said "And the best time for talking! I love the gloaming. My father loved it too."

Reay sez 'Twitt, ye're better than any parson I ever 'eerd! An' I believe 'e is 'e's got real 'art an' feelin' for Scripter texes, an' sez 'em just as solemn as though 'e was carvin' 'em on tombstones. It's powerful movin'!" Mary kept a grave face, but said nothing. "An' last Sunday," went on Mrs. Twitt, encouraged, "Mr. Reay hisself read us a chapter o' the New Tesymen, an' 'twas fine!

Leaving one of these, with a student, to proceed direct to Wellington, he himself sailed for Nelson on July 28th, 1842, with the Rev. C. L. Reay. Arriving on the following Sunday, he preached at once in the immigration barrack. For the next Sunday's services he availed himself of a large tent which an English friend had given him.

She said that she really was old fashioned, and hoped God would preserve her always sense and duty enough to continue so; on which she took a glass and said "God preserve our King, and grant him long life, and a happy reign over us!" Lady Kenmure died on the 16th of August, 1776, at Terregles, in Dumfriesshire, the seat of the Nithisdale family. Patten. Reay.

"You talk just like father!" she said, smiling "He was always grateful for nothing!" And rising from her kneeling attitude by Helmsley's chair, she went again towards the open cottage door, holding out her two hands to Reay. Looking at her as she approached he seemed to see in her some gracious angel, advancing with all the best possibilities of life for him in her sole power and gift.

For so Angus Reay looked just now, with his eyes flashing unutterable tenderness, and his whole aspect expressive of a great hope born of a great ideal. But he restrained the feeling that threatened to over-master him, and merely said very quietly, and with a smile "I see you are very much in love with her, Mr. Reay!" "In love?" Angus laughed "No, my dear old David!

I sez to Twitt 'Suthin's goin' to 'appen' an' 'e sez in 'is fool way 'G'arn, old woman, suthin's allus a-'appenin' somewheres' then when Mister Reay looked in all smiles an' sez 'Good-mornin', Twitt! I'm goin' to marry Miss Mary Deane! Wish us joy! Twitt, 'e up an' sez, 'There's your suthin', old gel!