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''Ow to be Beautiful, aint news o' the world!" "No," said Reay "You're not intended to know the news of the world. News, real news, is the property of the Stock Exchange. It's chiefly intended for company gambling purposes. The People are not expected to know much about it. Modern Journalism seeks to play Pope and assert the doctrine of infallibility.

She would think and naturally too that he sought to strengthen and improve his prospects by marrying a woman of some 'substance' as they call it. And even as it is the whole business requires careful handling. I myself must be on my guard. But I think I may give hope to Reay! indeed I shall try and urge him to speak to her as soon as possible before fortune comes to either of them!

"Well not exactly!" he submitted, with a gentle air of deference "I think perhaps he might deserve a little pity for having to be 'caught' as you say just for his money's sake." "Not a bit of it!" declared Reay "Any old man who would marry a young girl like that condemns himself as a villain. An out-an-out, golden-dusted villain!" "But has he married her?" asked Mary.

In the Life of Lord Derwentwater. Reay, p. 326. See Letters in the State Paper Office from Lord Widdrington, and many others of inferior rank, No. 3. 1715. State Papers, 1716, No. 3. State Papers, No. 3, July 26, 1715. Reay, p. 355. Reay, p. 359. A Faithful Register of the Late Rebellion, London, p. 65, 1718. Faithful Register, p. 86.

I heard them at Boitzenburg when we gave the butt of the gun to Tilly's soldadoes, they played us into Holstein, and when the ditch of Stralsund was choked with the tartan of Mackay, and our lads were falling like corn before the hook, a Reay piper stood valiantly in front and played a salute. Then and now it's the pipes, my darling!" "I would as lief have them in a gayer strain.

"Nonsense, David!" she said cheerily "You will see many and many a one, please God!" "Please God, I shall!" he answered, quietly "But if it should not please God then " "There! you want to stay up, and you shall stay up!" she declared, smiling "After all, as Mr. Reay is with us, the time won't perhaps seem so long for you." "But for you," put in Angus "it will seem very long won't it!"

Only when the firm that employs me, sends any very specially valuable stuff worth five or six hundred pounds or so, I never like to keep it longer that I can help. And the piece I'm at work on is valued at a thousand guineas." "Wouldn't you like to wear it yourself?" he asked suddenly, with a laugh. "I? I wouldn't wear it for the world! Do you know, Mr. Reay, that I almost hate beautiful lace!

Mary's grief for the loss of the gentle old man was deep and genuine, and Angus Reay shared it with her to the full. "I shall miss him so much!" she sobbed, looking at the empty chair, which had been that of her own father.

However, impatient to learn my fate, I drew Julia aside; and, placing myself at her feet, while she was enthroned on a luxurious ottoman, I pretended that I must conclude the series of lectures on art, and the best methods of colouring, on which I had been employed with her ever since my visit. 'You seem unhappy to-day, Miss Reay, I said abruptly, with my voice trembling like a girl's.

Reay, he kep' us wide awake an' starin'! An' there's one tex which sticks in my 'ed an' comforts me for myself an' for everybody in trouble as I ever 'eerd on " "And what's that, Mrs. Twitt?" asked Helmsley, turning round in his chair, that he might see her better. "It's this, Mister David," and Mrs. Twitt drew a long breath in preparation before beginning the quotation, "an' it's beautiful!