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The doctor said it was a trance, but he was a sassanach and knew nothing about music; but it was the pipes prought the tead to. This is the air," and he played it with such vigour he nearly grew black in the face. "I believe it," sais I; "it has brought me to also, it has made me a new man, and brought me back to life again. Let us land the moose."

Ulph, while she, unlike the former, did not take any credit to herself. If the doctor was a little slow, he was sure, for he said something emphatically to the father, who in turn seized Mildred's hand, exclaiming, with explosive energy, "Gott pless you! Gott pless you!" "But it was mamma who did everything," protested the young girl. "Yah, I know, I know; put who prought mamma?

So she courtesied off poor Duncan, who departed, saying in his secret soul, "Cot tamn her English impudence! she takes possession of the minister's house as an it were her ain and speaks to shentlemens as if they were pounden servants, and per tamned to her! And there's the deer that was shot too but we will send it ower to the Manse, whilk will pe put civil, seeing I hae prought worthy Mrs.

So she courtesied off poor Duncan, who departed, saying in his secret soul, "Cot tamn her English impudence! she takes possession of the minister's house as an it were her ain and speaks to shentlemens as if they were pounden servants, and per tamned to her! And there's the deer that was shot too but we will send it ower to the Manse, whilk will pe put civil, seeing I hae prought worthy Mrs.

Shentlements," added he, turning to our adventurers, "I take you to witness, that I protest, and assert, and avow, that this person is as pig a necromancer as you would desire to behold; and I supplicate, and beseech, and entreat of you, that he may be prought pefore his petters, and compelled to give an account of his compact and commerce with the imps of darkness, look you; for, as I am a Christian soul, and hope for joyful resurrection, I have this plessed evening seen him perform such things as could not be done without the aid and instruction and connivance of the tevil."

"We are not particularly flush," said Mark, who was appointed chief haggler. "Where's the boat, and how much do you want for it?" "De poat is in de water, but I vill hab it prought to de landing-stage for you to zee."

When she was a piper poy to the fort, Captain Fraisher was killed by the fall of a tree, knocked as stiff as a gunparrel, and as silent too. "Well, she gets the pipes and plays it hern ainsel, and the governor forgot his tears; and seized McPhee by the hand, and they danced; they couldn't help it when that air was played, and what do you think? It prought Captain Fraisher to life.

"Zee ferry pesht," answered Kitaeva. "Zee yoong voman is etucated and elecant. She was prought up in a coot family and can reat French. She tid have a trop too moch sometimes, put nefer forcot herself. A ferry coot girl." Katusha looked at the woman, then suddenly turned her eyes on the jury and fixed them on Nekhludoff, and her face grew serious and even severe.

A knocking at Ingram's door. "Well, what's the matter?" "Will ye be goin' to ta fishin', Mr. Ingram?" "Is that you, Duncan? How the devil have you got over from Mevaig at this hour of the morning?" "Oh, there wass a bit breeze tis morning, and I hef prought over ta Maighdean-mhara. And there iss a very goot ripple on ta watter, if you will tek ta other gentleman to try for ta salmon." "All right!

"If only I had prought Chorge inshtead of you, shtupid fool, he should have fount dat voman," said he to the servant, while the excise officers were searching the carriage. "Indeed, Monsieur le Baron, the devil was behind the chaise, I believe, disguised as an armed escort, and he sent this chaise instead of hers." "Dere is no such ting as de Teufel," said the Baron.