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Updated: August 23, 2024

The tone, the foreign accent, were both reminiscent of many a friendly though halting conversation. Giuseppe stared again, appealingly, but the gentleman did not help him out; on the contrary he repeated his request in a slightly sharpened tone. 'Si, signore, Giuseppe stammered. 'Prego di verire. La signorina è nel giardino.

He smiled benignly, shrugged his shoulders, said "Prego" and pointed to the post-office itself, which was over the way and, of course, in the Piazza S. Silvestro. Then I knew him.

Vi prego, se la videte di farla un Complimento da parte mia. Spero e non dubito punto che voi starete bene di salute. Mi son scordato di darvi nuova, che abbiamo qui trovato quel Sign. Belardo, ballerina, che abbiamo conosciuto in Haye ed in Amsterdam, quello che attaco colla spada il ballerino, il Sign. Neri, perche credeva che lui fosse cagione che non ebbe la permission di ballar in teatro.

.... Vi prego di dire al Sig. Mi dispiace che il Sig. Hieri sera era la prima prova coi stromenti della seconda opera, ma ho sentito solamente il primo atto, perche a secondo mene andiedi essendo gia tardi. In quest' opera saranno sopra il balco 24 cavalli e . . . mondo di gente, che saro miracolo se non succede qualche disgrazia.

With that birdlike lightness and swiftness which were part of his manner, the Sicilian skipper bent forward and laid a brown finger on my wrist. "Scusa, vi prego! But the hands are not those of a fisher of coral." I glanced down at them.

Stiamo Dio grazia assai bene di salute, particolarmente io, quando viene una lettera di Salisburgo. Vi prego di scrivermi tutti giorni di posta, e se anche non avete niente da scrivermi, solamente vorrei averlo per aver qualche lettera tutti giorni di posta. Egli non sarebbe mal fatto, se voi mi scriveste qualche volta una letterina italiana. Signor Jomelli spoke to us and was very civil.

A small and bashful boy was clinging to his mother's skirts, taking, perhaps, his first impressions of the great world. "Scusi, Signorina!" It was Nanni, stepping across Pietro's gondola to get ashore. May looked up and her eyes met those of the gondolier. "Prego," she answered, and there was a gentle courtesy in her voice, and a kindness in her eyes, that would have been grateful to any man.

"They were talking of the Abbot of Nervessa and of his Holiness, and when I came they rose to do me honor; and I also, to be not lacking in courtesy, said, 'Le prego, Signori I beg of you, and bade them continue the talk in which they had seemed full of interest. Marco, in the Senate do they know that the Pope is angry about the Abbot of Nervessa?"

But something in the dying evening, in the roar of the river, in their very embrace warned them that her words fell short of life, and George whispered: "Or did she mean it?" "Mean what?" "Signorino, domani faremo uno giro " Lucy bent forward and said with gentleness: "Lascia, prego, lascia. Siamo sposati." "Scusi tanto, signora," he replied in tones as gentle and whipped up his horse.

I played at two concerts, and to- morrow I am to play at another. When I have finished this letter, I am going to complete a symphony that I have begun. The aria is finished. "WOLFGANGO in Germany. "AMADEO MOZART in Italy. Naples, May 19, 1770. Vi prego di scrivermi presto e tutti i giorni di posta.

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