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Barton, endured that sort of agony which the newspapers inform us is experienced by the surrounding neighbourhood when a pot-boy hangs himself in a hay-loft, and which is ‘much easier to be imagined than described.’ ‘Have you seen your friend, Sir Thomas Noland, lately, Flamwell?’ inquired Mr.

Its personality may be said to have consisted in its never being quiet, in any one place, for five consecutive minutes, and never going to sleep when required. "Tetterby's baby" was as well known in the neighbourhood as the postman or the pot-boy.

The chief features in the still life of the street are green shutters, lodging-bills, brass door-plates, and bell-handles; the principal specimens of animated nature, the pot-boy, the muffin youth, and the baked-potato man. The population is migratory, usually disappearing on the verge of quarter-day, and generally by night.

What small wage, sleep, meal, what endless scouring, scolding, tramping on messages fall to that poor Susan's lot; what indignation at the little kindly passing word with the grocer's young man, the pot-boy, the chubby butcher! Where such things will end, my dear Mrs. Toddles, I don't know. What wages they will want next, my dear Mrs. Doddles, &c.

The pot-boy had to be satisfied on his master's account, and then on his own, and away shot Wilfrid, wet with beer from throat to knee to his chief protesting sense, nothing but an exhalation of beer! "Is this what they drink?" he groaned, thinking lamentably of the tastes of the populace. All idea of going near Emilia was now abandoned. An outward application of beer quenched his frenzy.

Knocking and getting no response, I ascertained from a pot-boy who was passing the corner of the court that Mrs. Gudgeon had decamped. Neither the pot-boy nor any one in the court could tell me whither she was gone. 'But where is Polly Onion? I asked anxiously; for I was beginning to blame myself bitterly for having neglected them. 'I can tell you where poor Polly is, said the pot-boy.

THERE was just enough of December in the air and of May in the sky to make the Yuletide of the year of grace 1611 a time of pleasure and delight to every boy and girl in "Merrie England" from the princely children in stately Whitehall to the humblest pot-boy and scullery-girl in the hall of the country squire.

'And Miss Mosk? 'She's a-tryin' to git 'im t' bed, is young missus, an' old missus is cryin' upstairs. 'I shall certainly speak about this to the authorities, said Cargrim, in an angry tone. 'You are sober enough to answer my questions, I hope? 'Yuss, sir; I'm strite, growled the pot-boy, pulling his forelock. 'Then tell me if that gipsy woman, Mother Jael, is here? 'No, sir, sh' ain't.

"Yet she could trust this fellow," he said to himself. "Why doesn't that which belongs to the wife belong to the husband too?" He called to the pot-boy to bring him his hat, and said, "Now, Christian, I am ready." "Mr.

In such an establishment, the white-aproned pot-boy with his shirt-sleeves arranged in a tight roll on each bare shoulder, was a mere hint of the possibility of physical force, thrown out as a matter of state and form. Exactly at the closing hour, all the guests who were left, filed out in the best order: Miss Abbey standing at the half door of the bar, to hold a ceremony of review and dismissal.