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Lots of girls, I hope the right sort, with plenty of fun in them, and pony-carriages of their own, in which they can drive us about!" "We don't know a single thing about them, and can't find out. The man is called Vanburgh, which is all right so far as it goes, but whether he is married or a bachelor " "Of course he is married! A bachelor would never dare to take a house like the Grange.

Harper was standing moralising on the ins and outs of family life, from which her own experience had hitherto been so free. Her eyes were wandering up the road, where her father-in-law had just disappeared, riding slowly, but erect as a young man. While she looked, there came up one of those delicious little country pony-carriages, which a lady can drive, and make herself independent of everybody.

I think the first approach to royalty must ever be most interesting to boys, at least it was deeply so to me on this day; for when I observed the wide-swelling lawns, the broad groves, and glassy lakes of this little paradise; the Queen, with the princesses and royal suite, as they glided over the turf in a train of pony-carriages, lined and shining with the richest satins; the splendid and gaudy clusters of marquees, glittering in all the pride of Tippoo's eastern magnificence, from whom they had been rifled, with their bright crescents blazing in the sunbeams I found all the lovely and dearly remembered fancies, conjured before my infant imagination by the nursery tale, at once placed in delightful reality before me.

This is business. Besides the foot people there come plenty in traps and pony-carriages, and some on horseback, for a certain class of farmers belong to the same persuasion, and there are well-to-do people in the crowd. It is the cast of mind that makes the worshipper, not the worldly position.

You can tramp up and down the one-thousand-metre-long trellis walk, sheltered from wind and rain. Do you wish to drive? There are carriages of all descriptions, chars-a- bancs, landaus, pony-carriages, and even a donkey-cart, at your service. Do you care to ride? There are one hundred and fifty horses eating their heads off in the Imperial stables waiting for you.

Old women wonder 'tis how they live on nothing a day still manage to keep a decent black dress and come to chapel with a penny in their pockets in spite of their age and infirmities. The nearest innkeeper, himself a most godly man, has work enough to do to receive the horses and traps and pony-carriages and stow them away before service begins, when he will stride from the stable to the pew.

More accidents have happened out of pony-carriages than all other descriptions of vehicle put together. It is said that in the olden and golden days of the road the usual death of a "long coachman" was to be pitched out of a gig; and doubtless that two-wheeled conveniency, particularly when going at any pace, is capable of arriving at a large proportion of grief.

Alas! there was nothing completely like them; but of all unlike things, the Church of England with its "smug parsons," and pony-carriages for their wives and daughters, seemed to him the most unlike: more unlike than the great unreformed Roman Church, with its strange, unscriptural doctrines and its undeniable crimes, and its alliance, wherever it could, with the world.

I fancied perhaps you might know I own a line of tea-clippers San Francisco to Yokohama six of 'em iron-built, about seventeen hundred and eighty tons apiece. "Blame that boy! He never told. I'd ha' listened to that, instid o' his truck abaout railroads an' pony-carriages." "He didn't know." "'Little thing like that slipped his mind, I guess."

I think he's all right, only got something on his mind." "Well, I don't know," said Tom. "He says he's very bad. I must be off now; it's time he went out in his bath-chair." "Yes, my dear, it's wonderful what your uncle does for him, what with the flys, and pony-carriages, and the invalid chair got down on purpose for him. I only wish I had such a brother as master."